Wherry/Sundew combo

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Jun 22, 2012
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Have just picked up a few of the bargain £13.99 end line kits at Dunelm, any thoughts on brewing with one can of Werry combined with one can of Sundew. Will it just ruin two decent kits? anyone tried it?

This sounds like a good experiment. Got a few of the sundew kits from dunelm, and already had a couple of wherrys. Would like to see what responses are to this, as might give it a go...
I would brew the Wherry as a wherry and the sundew as a sundew.

Maybe i'm just not adventurous enough though??

If you do mix and match be sure to come back and let us know the results. :thumb:
I would just brew them normally too. If you want to experiment a bit why not try dry hopping them instead?
I may regret it but last night I went ahead and did the combo thing, made up to 20L with and additional 250g of medium spraymalt, OG was 1048 and used S-05 yeast, fingers crossed!!
Will let you know how it turned out in a couple of month’s time.

Plumpy said:
I may regret it but last night I went ahead and did the combo thing, made up to 20L with and additional 250g of medium spraymalt, OG was 1048 and used S-05 yeast, fingers crossed!!
Will let you know how it turned out in a couple of month’s time.

Sound fun, keep us posted :thumb:
While you're mentioning other yeasts, how worthwhile is it to use S-04 or S-05 instead of the kit yeast? Am I not really going to notice the difference or is it going to make a massive improvement?
winelight said:
While you're mentioning other yeasts, how worthwhile is it to use S-04 or S-05 instead of the kit yeast? Am I not really going to notice the difference or is it going to make a massive improvement?

I am a bit of a novice and don’t know much about yeast properties, the only reason I used the S-05 this time was that if the combo experiment is a failure and not to be repeated I can make up two individual 10L brews using the yeast sachets supplied with the original kits.