Wyeast 1084 - pitched without activating

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Well-Known Member
May 28, 2013
Reaction score
You know what they say about drinking whilst brewing? Well, last night I brewed a Chocolate Cherry Stout, with cocoa powder & cherries in the boil, all going marvellously whilst enjoying the remnants of my keg of strawberry sour beer. *Hic*

However, by the time I had chilled the wort to pitching temperature (40 minutes - I had finished the sour and moved on to a Citra Ale), I completely forgot to activate the Wyeast 'Smack Pack', and pitched the yeast solution on it's own. Noticed this morning when I found the smack pack whilst cleaning up, inside the debris of the packet - so I sanitised it and pitched that as well. Is it likely to work? The Wyeast packet does say for the impatient it can be activated and pitched straight away, but I presume the yeast and activator needs to be well mixed in the packet, not loosely poured separately into 21 litres of wort. I do have other yeasts available if it fails to do anything.

Today's lesson - moderate my drinking when brewing!
The activator is just a nutrient pouch that "wakes up" the yeast to get it raring to go when you pitch it. It's not really required so I wouldn't stress about it, and adding it into the wort is probably almost as good. I would recommend in future to make a starter with liquid yeasts though.

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