XL Bully

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I couldn't disagree more guns like that are not used for hunting they are designed to kill people and nothing else.
Don't know about that. For what other purpose are they bred? They are bred with every attribute you would want in a killer dog. If you got the Adrian Newey of dog designers to design a dog with the single purpose of agression and ability to kill humans and anything else that moves they'd come up with an XL Bully. Most yanks don't buy AR15's to actually kill people even though that is the primary purpose of the weapon, in the same way as most XL Bully owners don't buy their dogs with intent to actually kill someone, so the dog in effect is a weapon also. But the fact remains the dog has specific genetic firmware embedded in every cell in its body and every dog has the potential to mame and kill and requires an owner of exceptional skill, discipline, dedication and as much time as necessary to commit to responsibly owning such a dog safely. Unfortunately most of the actual owners fall way short of those requirements.

In many ways its like having a Lion as a pet..sure if you keep it well fed and form an attachment to it they can be friendly...plenty of videos on the web of people who've reared Lions from kittens and they recognise them as adults and are fine with them and will have a bit of rough and tumble on the ground and show love and affection...but could you really really trust it if it were a pet in your home lying on your living room rug?
Failing that, the tragedy has been covered by a number of tabloids in the UK, a 23 year old woman was killed by her dog , presumed to be an XL Bully in Limerick. She had recently posted a question to a dog training group on facebook, requesting advice .
I think if there was known to be people manufacturing knock off guns that would randomly explode and kill someone in your house, you’d be sure as hell to buy one from a reputable dealer and not some random off the internet.

It’s the same with XL Bullies. Bred properly they can be sound as a pound, but when profit takes over as the motive for breeding and people don’t do their research before buying there’s danger.

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