adding ingrediants to beer

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New Member
Oct 31, 2013
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I am a new home brewer and have been reading some of the posts why do some brewers add things like treacle,syrup and othr things to their brew?what does this do?and what is the best hting to add birdy
Welcome to the forum birdy :thumb: .

I presume you are talking about kits? Well all that you mentioned like granulated sugar are 100% fermentable (or as near as dam it). The problem with this, though kit instructions ask for it is that they add no body or mouth feel to the beer, what you end up with is a rather thin beer. You would be better using Dry malt extract or liquid malt extract as this is malt and will add body to the beer.

You could however as you say use treacle or golden syrup but only in small amounts as they will impart some flavour, treacle being quite a good idea for a stout or dark ale, but only a small amount.

welcome to the forum

Folks always like to play and add things, however a kit has been designed to make a " certain style " stength etc and its better to stay with that until you understand what your altering.

Various additives will alter the taste of the beer, some markedly some just a little...its called personal preference...