Anyone doing dry January?

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Nov 12, 2014
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I'll get my coat.

Seriously though after some overindulgence over Christmas I'm attempting to go five whole days without a drink.

Desperate for a beer right now and having to convince myself that mint tea is a delicious and satisfying alternative.

It's not. Roll on Friday!
listened to an item on radio 4 a couple of months ago where they were discussing binge drinking compared to moderate drinking.
they got twins and one of them drank the government recommended daily amount for a couple of weeks and the other drank nothing all week then drank the weekly total In a weekend.
results (tested by scientists etc):no real difference at all, drinking is drinking, how much was being drunk was the real factor in this, it doesn't matter wether you drink 20 pints over the course of a week or if you had 20 pints over a weekend the effect on the body was the same.
conclusion: dry January can shove itself up its own ****.:lol:
listened to an item on radio 4 a couple of months ago where they were discussing binge drinking compared to moderate drinking.
they got twins and one of them drank the government recommended daily amount for a couple of weeks and the other drank nothing all week then drank the weekly total In a weekend.
results (tested by scientists etc):no real difference at all, drinking is drinking, how much was being drunk was the real factor in this, it doesn't matter wether you drink 20 pints over the course of a week or if you had 20 pints over a weekend the effect on the body was the same.
conclusion: dry January can shove itself up its own ****.:lol:


Though I'd be willing to bet that if you gave up for january then drank two months worth of beer in February, you'd be in a worse state than if you drank it steadily over the two months

Though I'd be willing to bet that if you gave up for january then drank two months worth of beer in February, you'd be in a worse state than if you drank it steadily over the two months

But that's like saying I'm not going to drink for a year and then consume my entire yearly consumption in a few days - probable result, hospital.There only talking about one weeks unit allowance

Though I'd be willing to bet that if you gave up for january then drank two months worth of beer in February, you'd be in a worse state than if you drank it steadily over the two months

if I could give up for January I would try that!:lol:
But that's like saying I'm not going to drink for a year and then consume my entire yearly consumption in a few days - probable result, hospital.There only talking about one weeks unit allowance

I might drink my life's worth this year and see how I get on.
how many of you are willing to keep a beer diary for a year charting how many pint you've drunk etc.
I can't be arsed but if anyone can it might be quite interesting.
I'm definitely taking the foot off the gas for's 5 days without a drink as of tonight, but I will have a couple tomorrow with friends.


Haven't drank since New Years... Don't drink on school nights.
I think all these Government guidelines are a unrealistic and a bit stupid. 3 units a day max so on any given day you can basically only have one pint?? nah, surely having a few at the end of a possibly stressful weeks of work to help relax and unwind cannot be that bad for you.

Personally I don't drink Monday-Thursday anyway.. Friday and Saturday I have a few and I may have a couple Sunday I probably don't even quite hit the 21 unit thing most weeks, not that I care because I think its made up plucked out of the air nonsense.
I would like to know how they come up with these figures.

I have done some digging around on the net about this before and I think it is widely thought that these unit guidlines are actually made up subterfuge.

I know this means little too but my Wife and mother both agree with that point and they are band 7 nurses (sister level).

I dunno, I always think you know in moderation and all that and as long as your health and it doesn't affect you mentally and or your relationships work ect I think fill your glass and be happy
Hello m8,
Not that I want a drink, but for medical reason lol.
I'll be a whole year without alcohol...but on my birthday in a few days time I'll drinking with my lass a few glasses o champagne..
I haven't thought about the alcohol when I'm doing the wine or beer, but more of a habit or with my friends.
I had a glass o sparking wine Xmas dinner...and a couple of testing a...does that count? Lol
I take my hat out to m8...but it makes it all better when u have on...
Take care,

I'll get my coat.

Seriously though after some overindulgence over Christmas I'm attempting to go five whole days without a drink.

Desperate for a beer right now and having to convince myself that mint tea is a delicious and satisfying alternative.

It's not. Roll on Friday!

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