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Dec 13, 2020
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York, UK
Does anyone have a 15L better brew bucket with a grommet in the lid? How the dickens do you get an airtight seal on it? It just springs back up! The husband tried forcing it down but then couldn't get it off! Gonna be a pain I can tell! :rolleyes:
Trying to work out what you need.
My 25L bucket with a gromet - I put an airlock in the gromet hole, but its a very tight fit.

Are you using a solid gromet to try to not let any air in.
E.g fermentation should have finished & you are racking in the bucket.
Or is it still fermenting & you are trying to use a sealed top & the gas pressure just keeps popping the top off the bucket
Nope i'm at the beginning and haven't pitched the yeast. Just wondering about when it's time to close it off, how am I gonna get the lid to stay down. It's a 15L bucket, and it comes with a grommet in the lid. I have put an airlock in the top for when it is time to close it off. The lid springs up and you can feel it is loose so i'm worried its not gonna be airtight. hope that makes sense. Basically the lid is a bad fit. that's all that's worrying me 😊
Does it look like the lid is twisted - that might stop it from fitting properly.

You could try using boiling water to heat up the plastic lid & then fit it to the bucket while it is still warm & the plastic is a bit more pliable. But that might depend on the type of plastic its made of.
ah ok that's a good idea yep. it's not twisted I don't think - I've only just bought it. I bought three of them, two for me and one for the hubby. To be fair, I have knackered these sort before in the dishwasher, not this one though obvs because it's brand new.
I could kick myself - I should've gone with the taller thinner ones that say 'fermentation' on the front. they have awesome lids that you snap down all the way round and it doesn't budge. The only reason i didn't is because the ones with grommets in the lid only come in 25L size and I wanted a 15L. uff lol
Just be prepared that if warming it works, it might be a right pain to get off again at the end.

If you are making beer (real beer - none of this pressure fermented American cloudy hop juice) then you don't need an airtight seal - I have brewed for years using a bucket with a small hole in the lid & no airlock.

But if you are making wine (which I think you are from your previous posts) - then you do need it to seal.
Can you see what I mean, there’s a gap! Ugh! Bad design I think. Yep it’s wine.

Many of these buckets, nowadays, are repurposed animal feed containers rather than purpose-designed brewing buckets. Some of them have "snap-on" lids which means that the flange around the lid has to be lifted all round until it is sticking out perpendicular to the side of the bucket. The lid then just lifts off. Reverse procedure when putting the lid on. Much like a 5 or 10 litre paint tub, in fact. I can't tell from your photo whether it's one of those, but they can take a bit of getting used too and wreak havoc with eh ends of your fingers- especially when it's cold.
Many of these buckets, nowadays, are repurposed animal feed containers rather than purpose-designed brewing buckets. Some of them have "snap-on" lids which means that the flange around the lid has to be lifted all round until it is sticking out perpendicular to the side of the bucket. The lid then just lifts off. Reverse procedure when putting the lid on. Much like a 5 or 10 litre paint tub, in fact. I can't tell from your photo whether it's one of those, but they can take a bit of getting used too and wreak havoc with eh ends of your fingers- especially when it's cold.

that is exactly the kind of bucket I like yep. The one’s with the flange. It’s what I was trying to describe, badly lol. But couldn’t get the right size in those sort so ended up with this pile of poop instead. If anyone can find a 15L brewing bucket online with a snap on lid and a grommet fitted in the lid, please let me know and I’ll buy it! 😬
that is exactly the kind of bucket I like yep. The one’s with the flange. It’s what I was trying to describe, badly lol. But couldn’t get the right size in those sort so ended up with this pile of poop instead. If anyone can find a 15L brewing bucket online with a snap on lid and a grommet fitted in the lid, please let me know and I’ll buy it! 😬
Check out BrewUK for range of fermenters. I'd go with the Speidel (in fact I have 4 of them) on the 3rd or 4th page, but bear in mind that the tap and airlock are not usually included in the price. There's an on-line chat, too, and Dan is most helpful. By the way, Speidel do a 20 litre fermenter, which soesn't seem to be stocked by BrewUK.
Check out BrewUK for range of fermenters. I'd go with the Speidel (in fact I have 4 of them) on the 3rd or 4th page, but bear in mind that the tap and airlock are not usually included in the price. There's an on-line chat, too, and Dan is most helpful. By the way, Speidel do a 20 litre fermenter, which soesn't seem to be stocked by BrewUK.

Thank you, I’ll take a look 😊

Thanks for your help. I’ve had a look and I can’t see a bucket at the size I want with a grommeted lid. The speidel ones would be fine if I didn’t ferment on the pulp mostly. It’d be awkward to get the fruit out as the opening isn’t very wide. I think I’m gonna have to get a 25L one with the ‘snap on’ lid as suggested. It’d be a lot cheaper as well. It’s hard to believe nobody sells a 15L bucket with a grommeted lid. I think they all need to get their finger out! 😬
Ok scratch all that! I can get it on tight with a bit of effort. BUT you need a crowbar to get it off again! Won’t be touching it now for a while! 😁 Do not recommend these buckets guys! Especially for arthritis sufferers.
You can use cling wrap for covering the bucket a lot of brewers use it over here, as do the kombucha and sourdough makers.

If you have an 'O' ring seal inside the lid use that to hold the cling wrap in place.

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