Category 4 (extreme) marine heatwave.

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Staff member
Mar 17, 2013
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Ulverston Cumbria.
It was over 30c a couple of days last week and the high twenties most of the others, now it has been reported the sea temperatures have hit a - Category 4 (extreme) marine heatwave.

Some members have said this is a weather cycle and it has happened before do you still think it is or are the protesters right and we need to sort this and soon?

I’m a bit schizophrenic about this. On the one hand I see massive natural events like super volcanoes, periodic cold-ages and magnetic pole reversal and on the other hand I see the phenomenal temperature change over the last few decades.

Similarly I hate the destruction of our environment, would like the government to mandate solar panels on all new houses (and offer grants to a few million homes to have them installed), and I love green energy developments but I drive a supercharged 5-litre V8.
would like the government to mandate solar panels on all new houses (and offer grants to a few million homes to have them installed)

They should have done this years ago, our council recently started installing them on council houses here i dont know how they are deciding which to fit them to as they are not doing them in blocks like they did when they renewed all the roofs a few years ago.
They should have done this years ago, our council is installing them on council houses in my area i dont know how they are deciding which to fit them to as they are not doing them all at the same time like they did when they renewed roofs a few years ago.
It would address three main issues as far as I see; increasing green energy and reducing carbon emissions generally, reducing energy costs for those households benefitting from solar, and closing the gap on our energy dependency from other nations. I reckon for the cost of Brexit or the cost of the pandemic we could almost equip the nation with solar and reap the rewards for years to come.
It could be easily funded by that £350m per week Brexit Bonanza we are receiving but haven't spent on the NHS yet

Well if this fellow is to be believed and it was spent on the pandemic we can now look forward to it being spent on pulling the country out of the **** they have got us in over the last 13 years, i have a feeling non of us will be holding our breath.

I'm not listening to any of it....the country and probably the world is run by self serving liars and thieves.
We're all being fleeced and led down the garden path big style.
We had a thunderstorm earlier and the roads are flooding already, not looking forward to driving in this tomorrow -

Sadly I think we're ******. No one country can stem back the flow and you're not going to get universal buy-in when there's profits to be made by doing/changing nothing.

I'll continue doing my bit, but it's pissing into a hurricane.
1000% this. Even when it's too late, individual countries won't have an inventive to do anything because an individual country won't make any difference and there are always more immediate things to do.
Well...think about it...the rain runs off tar and concrete instead of sinking in so runs in concentration to other places.
For some enlightened information on flooding read about York.,it's name places and why they are called this.
For starters the the River Ouse is called that because it "Ouses" out of its banks....always has done and probably always will.
Try and stop it in one'll bursts out elsewhere.
The other places are named locally mostly on how much water they hold,got and flooded....the Vikings did or didn't build in such places....local planners do.
Having paved drives,gardens etc is a bad idea.
Not 5 mins from my house there's flooding...look on the old maps...Houses built on a swampy area...100 years houses..field and marsh and a large pond....water likes it there.
They've recently built 4 houses on some land in the middle of the village that is often swampy in the winter, last winter work stopped for a bit as the footings were about a foot under water yet up they've gone.
Having paved drives,gardens etc is a bad idea.
Exactly, in the last 10 years in my small town they have built 5 huge and expensive eststes these are all semi betatched and detached houses all with garages and drives is it any wonder the drains cannot cope.

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