Chilli Turbo Cider

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New Member
May 3, 2010
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Currently brewing some turbo cider. Was contemplating adding chilli of some description. Has anyone done this before and care to advise? The cider has been fermenting for two days now. I was thinking of perhaps buying a habanero, chopping finely and adding some or all of it to the gallon in the demi-john. Is this suicide?

Any help is greatly appreciated.
Okay, so MD ended up with 34 litres of beer and he used 100g of what appear to be regular thai finger chillis with a scoville rating of around 30,000. I have five litres of cider and am planning on adding part of a habanero chilli which is roughly ten times hotter than the ones I'm assuming MD used. Therefore, in order to get the "Slight Chilli Aroma, and a Flavour thats not overpowering", I should have to use roughly 1.5g of habanero. Or something. I don't have any precision scales (or normal scales for that matter), so I'm just going to go with my gut. If I don't post again, it probably means I didn't survive, otherwise I'll let you know how it goes.
i made a chilli wine a while ago but i havnt tried it yet
i washed the chillis first as they have a waxy skin then i cut them up and added to the fermenting wine
depending on how strong a taste you want you can leave out the seeds(the more seeds the hotter it is)or just use dried chilli flakes(i added some of thes to a bottle to see how it turns i think its time to test some
The cider turned out rather well. I used about a third of a habanero with some of the seeds removed. It had a certain amount of kick to it, without being overpowering. Not really for people who don't like chilli though - it tended to get you at the back of the throat, but I found it very drinkable.