cider kit

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New Member
Sep 15, 2013
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hi all i am a new brewer and would like some info on cider kits i have just bottled a pear cider kit last wed how long would be best before i can drink it had a go last night and it had a tangy after taste and it was a bit flat to any info would be gr8 thanks paul
The last cider kit I did was left for nearly a month in the bottles and came out perfect with a nice fizz :cheers:
Hi there Paul and welcome. I agree with vdub, if you have primed the cider at about 5g/1L, keep the bottles in the warmth (comfortable room temp) for a week - a simple trick to know when the bottles are conditioned is to use an old PET coke bottle, when the CO2 is produced the sides of the bottle will become harder to squeeze) once that happens then stick them into the garage or somewhere cooler, this forces the produced CO2 back into suspension in the cider, this will take 2 - 3 weeks. They will be ready to drink at this time but like all good things, they can improve with more ageing.

Hope that helps. Good luck :thumb: :thumb:
Pretty much the default minimum conditioning time for anything fizzy is 2 weeks warm (the remaining yeast turns the priming sugar into CO2) and 2 weeks cold (the CO2 gets absorbed into the brew)
You can get away with a shorter warm period if you don't mind losing a bit of fizz, the longer the cool period is, the better.
Much of that tang will fade over that month, too.