CML yeast recommendation

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Active Member
Dec 29, 2019
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Hi all
Don't know anything about yeast and want to get some for my clone recipies. Going to be doing, broadside, directors, exmore gold and probably black sheep or old hooky.Any recommendations which ones to get from CML?
Doing the clones out of Graham Wheeles snd 23l batch size.
Thank you all
Beòir is a decent yeast. But I've been using Pia to very good effect in my last few brews. It's clean, ferments rapidly at 16-18C and settles out quickly. It's supposed to be a New Zealand Ale yeast- I've never heard of NZ Ale yeast! Frnankly, CML yeasts are so reasonably priced that you can afford to experiment.
Will 1 packet be enough for 23l or is it best to add a bit extra from another packet and store till next brew day?
I would vary the yeast a bit myself, to learn about different yeasts and to make the beers vary more than they would with the same yeast.

Midland, Four, Clipper, Beoir, The Firm.

Atlantic, House, Pia are options too I think.

Alternatively, you could spend the tenner on a pack of liquid yeast and use it for all the brews. Learn how to save and reuse yeast. And use a brewery quality yeast.
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This is one that I want to try. I've just got hold of a sachet, but haven't tried it yet:

ALE STRAIN CLASSIFICATION: A top-fermenting ale yeast suitable for a variety of ales. Whether it's pale ale, English, Bitter this is a great all-rounder
Saccharomyces cerevisiae. RECOMMENDED TEMPERATURE RANGE: 16 - 25°C; ATTENUATION: (73-82%); FLOCCULATION RATE: 75-78%; VIABLE YEAST CELLS: >20 x 109 cells per gram; GMO STATUS: GMO Free; Max brew strength 9.5%ABV

Also very keen to try out the Høg Norsk.
So many beers to make, so little time...
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Hi folks. I'm wondering about getting some CML yeasts that match the big brands and wonder if you can confirm from experience which of these have close matches...

S-04 - Four?
US-05 - Five?
Lalbrew New England - none?
S-23 - Hell?
K-97 - Hog Norsk?
T-58 - Flushed Nun?

Maybe we need a table that matches CML yeasts to similar Lallemand and Fermentis yeasts? Can you help out above or below?

S-33 - House
BE-134 -
BE-256 -
W34/70 - Hell-ish?
S-189 - None?
WB-06 - Gretel? both diastatic

Nottingham - Midland
Belle Saison - Wallonia???
Wit -
Koln Kolsch -
Diamond - Hell
London -
Munich Classic -
Windsor - The Firm
Verdant - Clipper
Alternatively, you could spend the tenner on a pack of liquid yeast and use it for all the brews. Learn how to save and reuse yeast. And use a brewery quality yeast.
In fairness, you could do all of that with a single £2 sachet of brewery quality dried yeast as well.
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Gone with, the firm, midland and four...
Thanks all, I might have to go back to basics and do the same beer with different yeasts to see what difference it makes.
If you have the fermenter space, you can always split one brew into two fermenters and pitch different yeast