Crown Cap Sizes

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Sep 22, 2009
Reaction score
Camborne, Cornwall
I have just started beermaking after a very long absence and have a question.

I found out this week that a friend was the manager of a local nightclub. Looking at the prices of new bottles I sent her a message and now I am the proud owner of a car full of Magners, Bulmers and cider bottles.

I have seen on various sites that you can buy crown caps in different sizes. Being new to this I am wondering which size to use. I thought all bottles were standard size.

Thanks for any input.


There is a larger size, David on the other forum presses and pasteurises huge volumes of fruit juices and has said that he uses the larger caps on champagne-type bottles, but anything you find in your LHBS or from the forum sponsors will be the standard size. I don't think I've ever seen any of the larger ones.
An interesting question and one I don't know the answer too :hmm:
What I can tell you is that I've just measured a bottle spout, the bottle was bought from a local HBS, and it has a diameter of 26.3 and a bit mm.
Normally HBS only list 'crown caps' no size is given, just colours.
V was that measured across the mould joint or diametrically opposite it as that will make a difference :thumb:
Mine are about 20p size, a bit bigger and round with crimpled edges :thumb:

Oh, some of them are blue.
I've got Black, Blue, Red, Yellow, Green and Gold ones! :cool:

There are two sizes of crown caps 23mm is for beer bottles and 26mm are for champage bottles (when making champange the botttle is capped and goes through the process of fermentation stage 2 in the bottle to get the fizz then, the bottle is tipped upside down over a few days the neck gets frozen, the cap is removed with the sediment, before corking, guess using crown caps is cheaper and quicker than using two corks!) and need a special adaptor for your capper if capping champage bottles. :geek:

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