Designabrew hobgoblin...

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New Member
Oct 31, 2010
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I fancy having a go at the designabrew range, and would love to brew a 'Goblin clone.

Has anyone done this with any success ? If so, what packs did you use ?

Edit to add, I tried to do a search, but the designa thing threw it out.

On a more basic note, does this system work well ?

I've done two "Design A Brew" brews form the recipe sheet and a third which is my own design is ready to go.

The first was the "German style lager" which turned out really well but had too much of the wheaty taste of it for my liking.

The second was the "Goblin in hobnail boots" this is still conditioning but is really quite close to the bottled stuff. The problem i have is the pub up the road has hobgoblin on draft and is absolute nectar :drink: which is far superior to the bottled stuff, i might try and get some mixed gas for my cornie and see if that improves it any. But as it is, it is certainly as drinkable as the bottled hobgoblin.

My next one to brew is going to be experimental, 2 light bases 2 cara malts and cascade finishing hops.

Really easy to make, just boil the bags in a few litres of water and add to the FV, just make sure you strain it though as the "tea bags" split very easily.
I'd give Chris a call at hamstead brewing centre in Birmingham and he will give you all the advice you need on design a brews. I've done 3 now, 2 from the menu and the last made up with chris's help. The teabags need simmering at 66oC for 20mins, and Chris has found fermenting with the hop teabags added to FV also improves the ale.


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