Do i need a heater?

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I bought a Youngs heater belt and found it got VERY hot. My 30 bottle wine kit ended up nearly 30 deg C so I fitted a light dimmer switch to try and control it with great success. Even better it only uses half the electricity (when knob is turned half way). The dimmer I bought clicks as you turn it so I marked every 2 clicks as shown in the pic. My son said I should have marked it out to 10 though. He said 10 is one better than 9 so it would be better that way. I said something rude and he went away.
Kids eh!

Alibro said:
My son said I should have marked it out to 10 though. He said 10 is one better than 9 so it would be better that way. I said something rude and he went away.
He is wrong! . . . Everyone know Eleven is better than Ten :lol: . . . . I miss my Marshall Amp :cry:
I'd like to be able to say it was my idea but I was trying to think of ideas like wiring a 20W lamp in series with it to try and reduce the temp. It was my smart ar*e 17 year old son who suggested a dimmer switch. You can go off some people you know.


PS thanks for the welcome. I only started homebrewing wine very recently and am a complete novice so expect lots of silly questions.

Alibro said:
I bought a Youngs heater belt and found it got VERY hot. My 30 bottle wine kit ended up nearly 30 deg C so I fitted a light dimmer switch to try and control it with great success. Even better it only uses half the electricity (when knob is turned half way). The dimmer I bought clicks as you turn it so I marked every 2 clicks as shown in the pic. My son said I should have marked it out to 10 though. He said 10 is one better than 9 so it would be better that way. I said something rude and he went away.
Kids eh!

I'm having the same trouble with my brewbelt its about 28 degrees and thats too hot for me.
AAAAAHHHHHH.........why the h*ll did'nt I think of that........brilliant and dead simple.
Thanks for that
Moley said:
However, the ‘other room’ where my DJs live is obviously a couple of degrees cooler. We're never quite sure what to call that room, it's not the lounge, it could be a sitting room except there's nowhere apart from my computer chair and a piano stool to sit, and it would be far too pompous to call it the library or the music room.

Call a spade a spade, it's the wine room!

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