Exploding fermentation

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Jan 29, 2014
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Burton on Trent
Anybody use this Joystick yeast?
It’s explosive.Good job I checked it because the fermenter lid started to expand because I stuck the tube in a bottle with star san and it sealed it,I could hear gas coming out the seal.So I ended up sticking it in a glass jar inside a bucket


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Never heard of Joystick yeast, but the information on Google #1 search suggests that it is a basic English Ale Yeast- fast fermenting, low temperature, good flocculation, medium/low attenuation.

So, I do hope you are aiming to brew an English style beer!
Yes it’s a Bitter,I have used this before with good results pitching out of the pack,into a plastic bucket in my brew fridge @19 degrees.But this time I made a starter and fermenting at 21 out of the fridge because I am using a new 14 gallon brew bucket and it does not fit in this fridge,until I get a tall fridge.It didn’t explode like this,so thinking the temps probably having the explosive effect
How Do Brewer's,
21°c is the top end for a traditional English bitter but if you start to cool down to around 14°c from 1.004° above Racking Gravity(then mature at 10-12°c for say 2-3 weeks) , you should be OK,
I NEVER use StarSan in the Blow-Off Bottle for the simple reason that it creates a foam! (Which looks exactly like the foam spilling out of your Blow-Off Bottle in the photograph.)

To prevent foaming, I use Tesco Thin Bleach mixed about 1:4 with water to give me +/=2cm in the bottom of a 1.5litre bottle.

BTW - A quick Tip.

The 2cm level means that I maximise the amount of volume available in the Blow-Off Bottle and at the same time minimise the back-pressure on the FV.

Also, I ensure that during fermentation the Blow-Off Tube sits at the bottom of the 2cm mixture. To check whether or not the brew has finished fermenting all I have to do is to lift the tube up slightly. If bubbles appear out of the tube then the brew hasn't finished fermenting. (This always assumes that the FV isn't leaking; which isn't always the case!)
Thanks for the good tip Dutto,in respect of the foam,it seems that i might of filled the fermenter a little too close to the top,as the foam is coming out of the fermenter as well,I’m thinking,I should have got the bigger fermenter now,as the headspace is minimal.

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