Extract #1: Citra Black IPA

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Apr 16, 2013
Reaction score
Sheffield, South Yorkshire, UK
So after a day of bothering on this forum, managed to knock a basic extract recipe together for a "Black IPA".
Had some Citra hops left over from my last brew, so I got a few more of those in and decided to do a single hop brew - especially since I got a single hop Citra kit cheap off the web. I didn't want to use any table sugar, but Brewtoad weighed it in at a poxy 4.3% without. I wanted it a little higher, but unfortunately I forgot to buy more DME when I went to the LHBS :oops: . So, here we go:

2.5 KG Light DME 76%
250g Crystal 60 7%
100g Chocolate malt (Youngs - no EBC) 3%
400g Sucrose 12%

25g Citra 60 min (all 14.4%)
30g Citra 20 min
20g Citra after flameout, wort at 80*C, infuse for 30 mins
Gonna dry hop after 7 days with about 50g Citra

Yeast was US-05, did a starter 30 mins before pitching - it grew like mental

Managed to take a couple of snaps, too :)

Mashed grains (ghetto style) at 66*C for 90 mins:


Hops waiting:

The Money Shot:

Hit my target OG cock-on. was worried about efficiency of my ghetto mash, but after MUCH grain bag squeezing, it seems to have done the trick nicely.

Smells lovely and a taste out of the trial jar was nice - bitter but quite sweet at the same time. Interested to see how this turns out.

Didn't realise how much cleaning would be required afterwards - as you can probably see, I made quite a mess in my kitchen :oops: .

Will post results.
Well done :clap: :clap:


'Black IPA' :nono: :nono:

Not only is Black and Pale at odds but it has no tradition a english hops to make it a IPA. I think it is at best a 'Black American Ale' :hmm: :hmm:
graysalchemy said:
Well done :clap: :clap:


'Black IPA' :nono: :nono:

Not only is Black and Pale at odds but it has no tradition a english hops to make it a IPA. I think it is at best a 'Black American Ale' :hmm:

well spotted, just testing you :?

I did think it seemed at odds myself, hence the quote marks. Didnt think about the lack of English hops though.
yeah mine too - most American hops I love, slightly unpatriotic I know but still.

I tasted It at bottling and the extra patience and time I gave it in the ferment made a massive difference. Tasted like a beer I would be happy to pay for, loads of body and aroma, but unfortunately slightly lacking in citra flavour. I'm gonna be patient with conditioning and hop it pays off, then update for how it is then.

I have actually tried a black citra beer once before at SiBA BeerX in Sheffield. Couldn't tell you the name of it, but it was lovely. Hoping probably a little optimistically that this turns out the same !
So I've been drinking this for the past week, and giving out bottles to mates. It hasn't turned out quite like I'd hoped, but it is still the best beer I've ever brewed by far, and tastes professionally made. I had one comment (from my mates Irish GF) that it tastes slightly like a sweeter Guinness - not entirely sure how to take that given my intentions, but I think it was meant as a compliment :thumb:.

The aroma has matured and come out quite nicely, very citrussy. Flavour wise, its still lacking in Citra flavour. It is there, but right at the back. The bitterness has mellowed out a little and the maltiness goes pretty well with it IMO.

Overall this is a nice beer, but it needs tweaking a little to achieve what I wanted. If I were to brew it again, I think I would use fresher hops, and possibly look at adding the bulk of the malt extract at the end rather than at the start. I'd also use Black malt as well as crystal to get it to the right colour as well as maltiness.

Onwards and upwards though, as they say :thumb:

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