First TC and ginger beer advice

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Active Member
Jun 23, 2009
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I have my first turbo cider, and ginger beer on the go at the moment. The TC was 4 L juice plus a couple of blended bramleys, plus strong tea. Pitching with Young's cider yeast was 3 days ago and I have a great big head that looks like it's got a lot of apply bits in it. The ginger beer was with grated ginger in 4 L water with 300g sugar, pitched at the same time and has a head about 1cm thick.

My intention was to rack the cider to a secondary when things had settled out, top up with an extra litre and continue the ferment. For the ginger beer I was hoping the head would subside so I can top that up to 5 L with water.

My previous experience is only with kit ale and S-04 yeast, and the head on those has dropped reasonably quickly. What can I expect with this cider yeast? I'm concerned that I won't be able to top the ginger beer up if it doesn't fall. I'd rather not rack the ginger beer to a secondary as I want to keep the ginger in for the whole of the fermentation (or is this not really necessary?)

Similarly for the cider, would I expect that head+apply bits to fall? It's probably 8cm or so thick!
Also, when I top up am I likely to get a head developing again?

In both cases I'd prefer to be taking hydro readings direct in the FV (5 L water bottles) as I don't have a way of easily extracting brew and replacing it. I'm not going to be able to take readings if the heads stay huge!

Finally, my intention when racking is to syphon. I have seen people mention filtering - I presume that's through muslin? And how careful should you be about aeration, either during a fermentation, or just prior to bottling?

Finally finally, I haven't quite decided what to do about sweetening yet. I don't want them over sweet (I prefer cider medium-dry), but it'd be nice to see if I can get things about right so sweetening at drinking time isn't required. I'd rather under sweeten than over and I intend to batch primer prior to bottling, so how does 1 tablespoon Splenda + sugar (10g for cider*, 15g for ginger beer*)


* I'd prefer lower carbonation for the cider, and I don't want to risk ginger beer bottle bombs. If I am 100% sure that fermentation has finished I'll up the ginger beer sugar to 25g. All figures are assuming 5 L total)
Airation will ruin a cider, much like apples exposed to air will go brown. Using a syphon will allow it to be moved without it touching the air - you can run through a muslin bag in the process. Try and get the tip of the syphon submerged as quickly as possible in the secondary.

Your "head" is kreuzen, it will almost completely disappear after fermentation.

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