freezing wine helps with maturing/aging?

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Well I've read it, I'm not entirely sure what to make of it but I'm intrigued enough to test it for myself. I will report back in a few days.
Hi Wurzel, my first test is underway with a fairly young bottle of Fruity Pink Wurzel's already split between two small PETs and one already in the freezer. I will leave it in there for a couple more days and then give it a day to thaw, so I should report back mid-week.
sounds interesting!
Maybe this way I won't have to wait 2 months for a "vintage" :D
Maybe the freezing breaks down the fruit part?

Might be interesting to see if freezing for longer or repeated freezes improves matters more.

Will give this a try too.
would this work for a beer perhaps which didnt get a good cold break?? Think I should chuck a couple of bottles in the freezer?
Ok, so I got impatient. Initial test results are in.

Half a bottle of Fruity Pink Wurzel went in the freezer for around 36 hours, the other half stayed down the cellar. This was a very young wine, only bottled in the last fortnight. I removed the frozen one from the freezer last night, marked it with a piece of tape and stood it next to its counterpart.

This evening I took 2 identical plain glasses, fixed an identical little square sticker in the centre of each foot and marked one with a tiny blue dot. I poured equal measures into each glass, frozen and thawed wine in the glass with the blue dot, checked their temperatures which were identical at 11.5°C, placed them both in front of Mrs. Mole, turned my back and told her to switch them around a few times so I wouldn't know which was which and then we both took sips from both glasses.

One of them had an immediate and fairly harsh mouth feel and left a slightly sharp aftertaste, the other seemed smoother or lighter but left a much nicer finish. We both preferred the same glass. Emptied and turned over, it had a little blue dot.

This warrants further experimentation.
Hi all,

Is this the Miller 'ICE' Draft of the Wurzel world?

Many things I put in the freezer come out far superior to the item initially placed therein, curry - Thai and Indian as well as Chinese - Italian pastas with double cream and white wine sauce, cheese sauces and many fruit purees.

I think the freeze is just a progression of the 'Cold Clear' system as advocated by Moley and others.

robsan77 said:
would this work for a beer perhaps which didnt get a good cold break?? Think I should chuck a couple of bottles in the freezer?

For beer Crash cooling your primary fermentation, for 3 days or so, by putting your FV in the fridge, or cooling to 3 deg C with a product coil and chiller, will be a better option to speed up conditioning and clearing.

good experiment moley, i wont be as fussy as il be the only one tasting it tomorrow i have the banana + rose hip, and a grape juice wine out of the freezer defrosting now, they are very young wines too and are pretty harsh see how they go :D
didnt have to wait till tomorrow after all,
the wines defrosted quickly in the kitchen so i poured
two glasses of the controll wines non frozen and
two of the frozen, first thing is that they are still clear
no haze i put rice and raisin wine in the fridge once
not in the freezer and got a bad haze,
the wines in my opinion taste a lot more mellow
after being in the freezer
the country wine was still a little sharp but
the juice wine is realy nice

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