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Nigel Ford

New Member
Nov 17, 2019
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Hi folks i have bought some protafloc tablets and I'm not sure when to add to the wort for my next brew. Also I've pressure kegged Festival Ales Father Hooks Bitter for 3 weeks at 21oc (secondary) and today put the keg in the cool to cool down to clear it. At room temperature it was not to cloudy and drinkable (taste tests) now its like a milky colour but still tastes as good as before as at room temperature. Will the milky colour, cloudyness go away. .. What to do please???
At room temperature it was not to cloudy and drinkable (taste tests) now its like a milky colour but still tastes as good as before as at room temperature. Will the milky colour, cloudyness go away. .. What to do please???

If the milkiness is changing with temperature then that's something called "chill haze". Many of us get it with some beers, seems random in my brews some get it some don't although I don't chill many of them as they are British ales. Never found a way to cure it

Presume you bough the protafloc tablets for an all grain brew? It's just you mention Father Hooks, that's a no-boil kit so doesn't need them.
Assuming all grain, as others have said add 15 or 10 minutes before the end of the boil. I use the powdered version - you add a quarter of a teaspoon for a 23L brew. Never add more as it causes the yeast to clump together in vast floating lumps at the end of fermentation making bottling a pain.
Chill haze is proteins in the beer (which you need for a good head anyway) that drop out of solution when the beer is chilled making it cloudy. So it doesn't affect the taste.
Buy a pewter tankard. Problem solved.
Ahh, so that's what caused that to happen on my last brew. Used a whole tab without thinking!
I had a succession of brews that looked like snot monsters (the beer was fine and TBH once bottled any yeast clumps did settle and stick to the bottom). Only realised what was the problem after reading another post on the forum. Instant cure!

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