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For a group who loves to dwell on the past as much as Hamas, and use history to reinforce arguments as to why the land is theirs and only theirs, I sure find it curious why they are completely leaving out history of that part of the world pre- islamic expansion...
I am sure Palestenians would argue they lived there before the coming of Islam.
Considering the Arab conquests occured well over a thousand years ago, I'm not sure it is a relevant arguement.

Hamas is a death cult and murdered innocent Israelis civilians and kidnaped scores more (both war crimes), however Hamas was allowed to flourish by Nethanayu as an excuse not to deal with Fatah.

The current Israeli attack on Gaza is awful.
Hopefully it de-escalates soon and the fighting end.

I keep thinking of the Sheamus Heaney poem, The Cure at Troy.

History says, Don't hope
On this side of the grave.
But then, once in a lifetime
The longed-for tidal wave
Of justice can rise up,
And hope and history rhyme.
Some very good analysis from Pod Save the World, worth listening to, especially to the interview with the MSNBC journalist at the end.

Also recommend this, on how the Israel/Gaza war is affecting UK politics.

I am sure Palestenians would argue they lived there before the coming of Islam.
Considering the Arab conquests occured well over a thousand years ago, I'm not sure it is a relevant arguement.

Hamas is a death cult and murdered innocent Israelis civilians and kidnaped scores more (both war crimes), however Hamas was allowed to flourish by Nethanayu as an excuse not to deal with Fatah.

The current Israeli attack on Gaza is awful.
Hopefully it de-escalates soon and the fighting end.

I keep thinking of the Sheamus Heaney poem, The Cure at Troy.

History says, Don't hope
On this side of the grave.
But then, once in a lifetime
The longed-for tidal wave
Of justice can rise up,
And hope and history rhyme.
There existed no concept of Palestinians before Jews returned to Israel, it was came up with to unite the Islamised arabs living there. Who by the way most likely come from the same people living there before the Jewish exodus and are descendants of converted Jews/Hebrews and Christians.
The whole story of that land is going waaay back and gets more and more complicated the more you try to make sense of it...
The always brilliant History Hit have two episodes that give a bit of context to the current conflict;

This episode on the Yom Kippur war, 50 years ago, is also illuminating;


I have no objection to peaceful protesting and its a shame the anti lot couldn't have done the same (videos below) unfortunately it will make no difference whatsoever there is not going to be a ceasefire any time soon as has been said many times over they dont want Hamas to use the time to regroup so will carry on giving random 4 hour slots to let people clear the areas they intend to take over rather than have ceasefire.

"You're not English any more" ****wits of the highest order aheadbutt

I hope every one of these idiots ends up in court -

Dont watch if you would be offended hearing a bunch of morons shouting racist comment.

Ironic that the guy supporting arsenal has a sponsor that's owned by muslims
Never been so embarrassed to be a gooner
They should all be charged with hate crimes. Disgusting hooligans.
Greg Wallace definitely getting booted off Masterchef for this.

A few comments from the tweet above.

Here is the the wall of shame.

I have to say Harry Hill has let himself go :D

Why is this not reported on the BBC

It was 14 hours ago -

The UN's top legal body has now heard two days of powerful legal argument on the "crime of all crimes": genocide.

It is now for the judges at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to decide whether Israel, in its war in Gaza, is guilty of an attempt to "destroy a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, in whole or in part," as defined by the 1948 Convention on Genocide.
There could hardly be a more weighty matter.
Both sides have played heavily on the strong emotions swirling around the conflict that erupted on 7 October last year.
Around 1,300 people - most of them civilians - were killed and about 240 others were taken hostage during the Hamas attack on southern Israel.
More than 23,350 people have been killed - mostly children and women - during Israeli retaliatory attacks on Gaza, according to the Hamas-run health ministry.
The case, brought to the ICJ by South Africa, included a litany of alleged Israeli offences, from the indiscriminate killing of Palestinian civilians to the wholesale destruction of Gaza's infrastructure.
"This killing is nothing short of destruction of Palestinian life," said one of South Africa's lawyers, Adila Hassin.
Israel's war in Gaza could not be allowed to continue, the South African team argued.
"Entire multi-generational families will be obliterated," Irish barrister Blinne Ní Ghrálaigh warned, "and yet more Palestinian children will become WCNSF - Wounded Child No Surviving Family - the terrible new acronym borne out of Israel's genocidal assault."

But on Friday morning Israel hit back, with a mixture of its own emotion and a forensic assault on the South African case.
Images of 132 missing Israelis - most of them still being held hostage in Gaza - were shown to the court.
"Is there a reason these people on your screen are unworthy of protection," Tal Becker, a hugely experienced legal adviser at Israel's Foreign Ministry, asked the court.
Mr Becker and his colleagues were scathing about South Africa's submission, arguing that if anyone was guilty of genocide, it was Hamas.
"Under the guise of the allegation against Israel of genocide," Mr Becker said, "this court is asked to call for an end to operations against the ongoing attacks of an organisation that pursues an actual genocidal agenda".
South Africa, the Israelis said, is guilty of supporting Hamas, a group designated as a terrorist organisation by 41 countries, including the US, EU and UK.

During his speech, Professor Malcolm Shaw briefly seemed to imply that the very country bringing this case against Israel was itself complicit.
"South Africa has given succour and support to Hamas, at least," he said.
It will probably take the ICJ several years to reach its verdict on the charge of genocide.
The South Africans must know there's a legal mountain to climb to prove their case.
Genocide is notoriously difficult to prove. There needs to be compelling evidence of intent by those actually in charge of Israel's military campaign in Gaza, as well as a pattern of behaviour by the Israel Defense Forces that cannot reasonably be explained as anything other than genocidal.
Remember: this is only about genocide, not whether war crimes have been committed in Gaza, or even whether Israel is engaged in ethnic cleansing, as some allege.
It's one thing to be horrified, even enraged, by countless images of the suffering inflicted on the Palestinians.
It's quite another to conclude that the killing of 1% of the Gazan population, sobering though that number is, represents an Israeli effort to destroy the Palestinian people, "in whole or in part".
But for Israel, which may feel it's on safe ground when it comes to the "crime of all crimes", there's a more immediate concern.
South Africa has appealed to the ICJ to issue nine "provisional measures", designed, in the words of South Africa's 84-page submission, "to protect against further, severe and irreparable harm to the rights of the Palestinian people".
The first of these calls on Israel to "immediately suspend its military operation in and against Gaza".
If obeyed, it would have the effect of bringing Israel's military campaign to a halt.
This could happen within weeks, long before Israel feels it has achieved its military objective of utterly destroying Hamas as a political and military force in Gaza.
For this reason, its lawyers attempted to demolish South Africa's case for "provisional measures", arguing that they had no legal basis and would tie Israel's hands but leave Hamas free to act.
Israel doesn't like the ICJ, and feels that the UN as a whole is inherently biased against the Jewish state.
But at a time when international pressure is mounting on Israel to put an end to the huge level of violence in Gaza, it knows that if the court agrees to issue provisional measures, that pressure will only increase.
It's prepared to ignore the court if it feels it has to (and the ICJ has no powers of enforcement), but it would much prefer to win the legal argument.
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