lid question.

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Active Member
Mar 9, 2014
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South London/Kent
Hi all. Just read a guide online from a home brewing shop that said to leave the lid resting on top of the FV and not to seal it? Is this correct? I have done a batch of bitter and cider prior to reading this which turned out ok but wondered if I have missed something? I currently have a lager, bitter and cider on - of which the latter 2 are probably not far off bottling/racking into the PB.
from my little experience and reading the forums id recommend getting a airlock and sealing your PB if only to prevent contamination.

however i bow down to anyone who has more knowledge then me in this matter
Thanks penguin. This isn't a pressure barrel thing it's for the FV. Was surprised when I read it? Have got them tightly sealed at the moment. Will wait and see what happens with the lager but looking at other people's pictures on here, alot.of people have airlocks on their FVs.
I have 2 of the young's ones from a few years ago with no air locks and I sealed them and had no problems as of yet but maybe im doin it wrong and should leave them open slightly??
Mine bulge a little on the lid just fermentation but then go back done once finished
If you don't have a air lock people don't usually leave the lid sealed so the CO2 that is produced can escape since if it is sealed there is a chance the lid can pop off and leave the FV wide open. The problem with not having it sealed is it can risk contamination. A very low risk but it is still there. I would recommend getting a FV/lid with the approriate hole and gromet and stick in a air lock so the CO2 can escape and there won't be a risk of contamination.
I have done a couple of brews without using an airlock and just rested my FV lid on top they turned out fine however I have just modified my lid to take a gromit for an airlock as this cuts the risk of infection greatly and only cost me a couple of quid to do. So well worth the effort. Would hate to have a beer spoil on me.