My First Partial Mash

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Active Member
May 16, 2011
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First go at a complicated-ish beer, and it's turned out quite well. I'm really quite pleased.

Ingredients for a 5 gallon brew:
Maris Otter pale malt - 1kg
High colour crystal malt - 500g
Chocolate malt - a slack handful
Light spraymalt - 2kg

Challenger (1 hour) - 100g
East Kent Goldings (15 minutes) - 75g approx
Styrian goldings (4 minutes, leave in wort as it cools) - 30g approx

Safale S04

Irish moss - good teaspoon
Yeast nutrient - good teaspoon
Campden tablet (added to the FV before yeast to soak up any excess chlorine from sanitiser and tap water)

IG - 1046
FG - 1012

My method:

(Since I only have a 2 gallon brew pot I split all the ingredients in two, mashed and boiled twice and topped up with cold water.)

Add all grains to fine mesh straining bag, place in brew pot full of water at approx 65C. Mash for an hour at this temperature and sparge.

The boil:
Add spraymalt to wort, and top up with water. Boil Challenger, EKG and Styrians for 60, 15 and 4 minutes respectively.
At the end of the boil, remove Challenger and EKG hop bags.

As I do not have a wort chiller I added my wort to the fermenting vessel with yeast nutrient and campden tablet and left it to cool at ambient temperature. I left the small bag of styrians in the wort.

When the wort chills to 20-21 degrees (will probably take all night), remove styrian bag, aerate vigorously for at least 5 minutes and pitch S04 yeast.
Ferment at 18-20 degrees, avoid higher temperatures as S04 does tend to get a bit funky.

After the fermentation slows right down (3-4 days) I added a few leftover EKG hops to the FV. (Whether this had any affect is debatable)

Has been in bottles for just over a week. Tasting great so far.
Very malty, nice and bitter with good hoppy aromas and flavours. Holds a head well, definitely looks and feels like a "proper" beer.



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