pioneer hop recipe

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Junior Member
Jun 30, 2015
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Does anyone know a tried and tested recipe using pioneer hops I got a heap of fresh ones have looked around but cant seem to find any recipes that folk say are good and worth doing ,anyone used these hops?

Pioneer hops are an English variety so stick em in an English Bitter

90% Pale
5% Crystal
5% Biscuit

60min addition
10min addition
0min addition

This is my house bitter receipe and makes a nice one too. You'll have to tell me how strong you want the bitter and what the IBU of the hops are (if you have any idea) for m to add more detail
hi myqul no idea of what the ibu is so winging it with them 4.0 to 5.0 %would do me for a bitter,have you used pioneer before
With fresh hops you're not going to get any particular or unique characteristics from them as it is the drying/kilning process that brings out and concentrates these qualities. You'll be getting nice fresh, grassy & herbal notes from them. They'll be very delicate though so you'll have to use loads more to get anything from them.

Personally, I'd brew a nice English Pale Ale - 90% Pale, 5% Crystal, 5% Wheat - bitter to about 35 IBU with a normal bittering hop and chuck an absolute load of these in late - dry hop with a load of them too. Just make it a slightly larger batch as they'll suck a load of beer up!
I haven't used pioneer before but I'm quite keen on English hops. I'm making a ESB tommorow (with First Gold and Bramling X) and I like making (pseudo) lagers but swapping out the German Nobel hops and replacing them for English hops (I'm making a EKG Helles on monday).

Doing a bit of googling, pioneer hops have an AA% of between 8%-10% so taking the average lets say 9%. I've never used wet hops before but there's another thread about where someone which said you need to x's the amount by 5 to account for the moisture in the hops. As you've said you'd like a beer between 4%-5% this recipe is 4.6%. A nice best bitter (just on the edge, almost tipping into ESB territory).

23L based on 72% Efficiency OG. 1.047 FG 1.012 ABV% 4.6% IBU 30.4

Pale Malt 4kg
Medium Crystal Malt 250g
Biscuit Malt 250g
Torrified Wheat (for head retention. You can leave this out if you want) 250g

Pioneer 9%AA (average) 150g @60min
Pioneer 9%AA (average) 50g@10min
Pioneer 9%AA (average) 125g@0min

or just completely ignore this and go with RZH says :mrgreen:
cheers folks thanks so much for your input on this will have a wee think and hope to get time to brew it tomorrow,brewed a first gold single hop today 200g of fresh first gold in up to now gonna dry hop with another 50g 5 days before bottling hope it turns out ok
went ahead and done myquls bitter as i made a pale ale on saturday,taste from sample jar was good and i hit 1.047 on the nail although came in at just under 20 litres the amount of hops must have soaked in plenty wort,keep you updated once i ferment cheers lagerlad
I haven't used pioneer before but I'm quite keen on English hops. I'm making a ESB tommorow (with First Gold and Bramling X) and I like making (pseudo) lagers but swapping out the German Nobel hops and replacing them for English hops (I'm making a EKG Helles on monday).

Doing a bit of googling, pioneer hops have an AA% of between 8%-10% so taking the average lets say 9%. I've never used wet hops before but there's another thread about where someone which said you need to x's the amount by 5 to account for the moisture in the hops. As you've said you'd like a beer between 4%-5% this recipe is 4.6%. A nice best bitter (just on the edge, almost tipping into ESB territory).

23L based on 72% Efficiency OG. 1.047 FG 1.012 ABV% 4.6% IBU 30.4

Pale Malt 4kg
Medium Crystal Malt 250g
Biscuit Malt 250g
Torrified Wheat (for head retention. You can leave this out if you want) 250g

Pioneer 9%AA (average) 150g @60min
Pioneer 9%AA (average) 50g@10min
Pioneer 9%AA (average) 125g@0min

or just completely ignore this and go with RZH says :mrgreen:

I read on here not so long ago, and made a note in my brew book, that fresh hops should be multiplied by between 5 and 8 times.

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