The downfall of the Tory party.

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I give up, why is it racist to ask a simple question, in 1989 i went to Canada on a one ticket to stay with a mate for 3 months, i was detained he was questioned at the airport i was questioned i prooved i had enough money for my stay and fare home, 2 days later i was back in England i was deemed persona none grata, no reason was given
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Schools are not on holiday -

Summer Holidays 202423/07/202402/09/2024
Scottish schools break up on 28 June, so the SNP are trying to turn the timing into another grievance - nothing to do with the fact that the SNP is currently in chaos of course.

And if the holiday thing is a benefit for the Tories, you have to argue that Tories are less likely to go on holiday than Labour voters.
So if 685,000 people came to live here, can you explain why 29,000 are here illegally living in hotels and barges costing millions of pounds a day when the other 655,000 cost nothing how does that work, don't get me wrong i wish no one any harm i am not racist i just need someone to explain how it works and why

The 655,000 are almost all here on work or study visas.

Studying brings money in to the country, and then the students go home again. There’s been a spike in net migration of students because of covid, where most of the foreign students went home. Now that’s started up again there’s more coming in than going out, but it’ll level out in a year or two max to a net 0 figure.

Working visas are only granted in areas where there’s a skills shortage, and those people pay taxes and spend what they earn mostly in the UK. Again, a lot of workers left during covid, and the post Brexit visa system was backed up. Now that’s unblocked we’re seeing a net migration in to the country, but it will level out before long.

As for the 29,000 - they don’t have a visa to be here but are claiming asylum as here. As we’re not a bunch of barbaric monsters we home them until we figure out if their claim is true. It’s better for everyone than having them live on the street and cause other problems, but it does cost us money.
As for the 29,000 - they don’t have a visa to be here but are claiming asylum as here. As we’re not a bunch of barbaric monsters we home them until we figure out if their claim is true. It’s better for everyone than having them live on the street and cause other problems, but it does cost us money.

So out of the 29,000 they are only going to be able to sent 200 of those that fail to Rwanda i think Sunak has known for a long time his policy was going to fail but he didn't want to admit it and take the stick that would have followed so he fought for it until the bitter end then bailed before he was found out.
Thats a very Brave and assumptive statement to say
"Let's be frank, there are a huge number of people who would happily get rid of anyone who isn't straight and white from the country."
That makes a HUGE number of us Racist and Homophobic then
What is this Huge number and where did you get the figures from or is this just how the people on the left see the rest of people who may not agree with their sentiments.
I'm not at all accusing you of such at all. I'll pipe down here - I don't mean any offence to anyone.
I'm just saying go have a look around Facebook, for instance. Some of the groups (who have tens of thousands of people in) are blatantly racist and homophobic.

I'm not left wing at all. Other than being fairly "woke" (in that I have a lot of black and gay friends) anything but. But I'm seeing right through the current right wing rhetoric.

Let's deal with the problems the country is experiencing. It's not boat people.

So if 685,000 people came to live here, can you explain why 29,000 are here illegally living in hotels and barges costing millions of pounds a day when the other 655,000 cost nothing how does that work, don't get me wrong i wish no one any harm i am not racist i just need someone to explain how it works and why
And that's exactly my point. Get them out to work. Get them paying their way whilst we decide what to do with them.
I'd bet a decent chunk of those people don't want to be in these pits, any more than we want them there.

11 million people of working age are not working. Of those, 1.4 million are officially "unemployed". There were 893,000 vacancies last month.

Does no-one care about those numbers? Are we still focusing on the 29,000?

By the way, I'm not saying "ignore them, let them come". I'm just saying that so far we've spent £240 million to Rwanda to send absolutely no-one there. Add that to the tens of millions that we've supposedly spent trying to fix this.

Perhaps it's time to let someone else have a go.
Stu i never thought for one minute you were accusing me, we litrally live in a town centre were we can walk no more than 500 yards to 7 pubs and any kind of food you like, i think it's great all these people from all over the world all getting along with each other mostly, but it pains me like you the amount of money being spent trying to sort it
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