Thinking about an upgrade

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Nov 21, 2023
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So I have been using my GF S40 for a couple of years now and to be fair making some very nice beers with it. A recent thread on here about the S40 has got me thinking about moving on to another system but I am uncertain if this is really a good idea. I think I have the S40 sussed and make decent beer but I have never made a full 40L brew with it and to be honest really wonder if the heating element is up to the job of the larger volume, I generally make 25- 27L vol which suits my FV's and they system heating capabilities .
So I am thinking that a possible upgrade could be the GF G40 this would broadly give me the same brewing capacities as my present system but maybe better temperature control and programability for mashing and have a good quality product. The other and possibly more sensible option is to go for a bigger volume system which would allow me to do two full 32L FV at one time so say a system that can make up to 58L of wort. I am ruling out the GF G70 on price alone but there are other systems that are well inside the cost of the G40 even. Anybody have thoughts on this? To be fair I am not really looking to increase the volume of beer I make just a larger volume at the one time so I can fill both FV and brew less often.
The other upgrade that could be done using the money a system upgrade would use would be a make over of my brewhouse. I have an area that is about 5m x 2.5 which is unfloored I could create a floor in there and expand my brewhouse storage and working areas. Be interested in opinions of orthers as to best use of money.
Why do you want an upgrade?
I originally thought to get a bigger volume system , 65L Bz , so I could do a double batch and fill my fermenters. Now I have completely rethought the whole thing and actually gone smaller Bz 35L . My thinking is if I do want to do a double batch I still can with my S40 and liquor the wort back to 46L. The smaller 26-27L batches will be fine for my conicals . Over the peice I can use my S40 for sparge water and it has a pump to spray/rinse the mashed grains which is a bonus really. Of course the same would apply to the Bz if I was using the S40 and this will save a lot of faffing about with gas heaters and pumps.
Anyway I have taken the plunge and bought a Brewzilla G4 35L . I have done a quick inspection of the kit and it looks to be well enough made... time will tell 😂 I cannot brew for a while because of a wrist operation but I aim to do a few plain water experiments to see how it goes with temperature and over shooting. Some good info on very simple PID settings and alternatives to bottom sensor temperature control using the BT thermometer on youtube. There is nothing much new I do that with my S40 but I am the heat controler in that instance but it is a very intesive first 30mins of the mash.
I don’t think you will see no benefit to in ‘upgrading’ to another brew system other than the mechanics of the process. Invest in your fermentation side and get that as good as it can be…. Then in a kick ass chiller. Once you’re at the level of an S40 you’re not going to have an upgrade more getting around the issues that these systems have…like pumps that like to block up, false bottoms that don’t work very well etc.
I don't think you answered the question of why?

If you "fancied a change" thats fine. If wanted to double you brew that's really a "brewday is too long".

Either way a BZ gen 4 will hit the spot. Nice one.

And you will be in an excellent position to review them side by side. Keep us posted.
I don't think you answered the question of why?

If you "fancied a change" thats fine. If wanted to double you brew that's really a "brewday is too long".

Either way a BZ gen 4 will hit the spot. Nice one.

And you will be in an excellent position to review them side by side. Keep us posted.

More money than sense! 😂 I have said it many times homebrewing is the new HiFi lots of things to try and ideas that things could be better. I think hopscotty is probably right but now I have two systems to play against each other. There will be brew day benifts though as I will be able to sparge without having to heat a kettle using a gas burner and then have to setup a pump system, so streamlined a bit a cost 😂

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