Usual brew day disaster - Impy Stout Brew

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Jan 2, 2021
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Herne Bay, Kent
Hi All, in the throws of another brew day and having usual disasters which I could do with some help with if anyone is online?
So several separate challenges today being:
  1. BZ G4 decided to update mid mash - can you set to manual update only somehow?
  2. Bottom plate of mash pipe lifted (again) so malt in the kettle - had to decant the lot into a bucket, rinse kettle, replace malt pipe with and bottom plate correct pour malt/wort back in (what a mess).
  3. Noticed the sensor was 5 degrees out when I checked with digital thermometer - perhaps due to update, checked digital thermometer in ice water then re-calibrated G4
  4. Re-circulation compacts the mash until it doesn't flow (even with restricting flow) - I think I'll need coarser crush in future as this is a recurring problem with current malt stock

So most pressing is the mash has started at 65 degrees (which was maybe 60 before I re-calibrated) and is no at real 61 degrees and I left it to seek guidance - will it be ok or should I increase temp and mash for another hour?

Cheers all