what time will you be having a beer?

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Forum jester...🏅🏆
Supporting Member
Jun 29, 2016
Reaction score
North Wales
As the title...this afternoon or tonight? We've got some visitors shortly so I might use the ruse of plying them with booze...then it's their fault! If that fails I'm off to see my parents and will take a sample for father ..if that fails...visiting over...I'm on it!


I'm trying to cut back so will not open my first bottle of beer until 6p.m. (normally 5pm)
Nothing for me until Mrs Tea finishes work at 8:30, the forecast is for very heavy rain so it looks like i will be picking her up.

Once the kids are in bed, whilst the elves finish putting together the Early Learning Centre kitchen.
I went out with some friends last night. We normally meet at a Wetherspoons and they had a good selection of guest beers. We never made it to another pub and I still didnt manage to try them all. If I drnk a few days in a row I really notice it so having a day off today or I'll have to not drink tomorrow. Although I might have a sneeky one later. Then tomorrow I will start with an Advocaat, which I only drink at Christmas, followed by wine with dinner and beer for the rest of the day. I'll then repeat that on Boxing day. :drink:
Thought this was going to be a `first drink on Christmas day' thread, but no, it's today.
I had a pint of spruce ale at 1.00pm. Er, then a pint and a half of something slightly disapointing called `Hoppy Christmas' by Conwy Brewery at my local.
I may have said I was going to abstain today but my resolve is wearing very thin atm. I might have to crack one open.
Phew..after some last minute running around,abstaining visitors and cooking ham...finally..starting with a stout. Plus I picked up a bottle of whisky on my travels....



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