which yeast

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New Member
Mar 23, 2010
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is it best to replace yeast sachets that are provided with beer and lager kits with 11g beer and lager yeasts .If so which brands are most popular :?:
the yeast given with the kit will be fine you can replace it though with a packet of lager yeast from your local homebrew shop but i dont see much point as it will be near enough the same
you can replace it so you know the yeast is fresh (it says the date on individual packs). if you get liquid yeast there is a greater variety to choose from and they tends to be a shorter lag time. the nice thing also is that you then know exactly what you're using and can be more certain/accurate with your brew conditions. if you're on a budget there is nothing wrong with using the yeast you get with a kit, but it is advisable to make a starter.
The packs of yeast that come with the ktis are considered by the people in the know on this forum to be too small. The packs are normally 5g, though coopers are 7g I think, where as the packs that you would be separately would be 11g.

The yeast is very important to the flavour of the beer, so two identical worts fermented with different yeast will taste very different.

Most lager kits do not come with lager yeast, therefore if you want to get clsoer to a proper lager, and ferment at cooler temperatures, you will need to buy proepr lager yeast.