Wine kits recommendations

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I started the thread in 2013 and approximately 4 years later supermarkets stopped selling white grape juice you'll notice the recipes switch to red grape juice which in my opinion makes a better wine.

Some members say they can still get it but it must be like finding hens teeth, you can get white grape concentrate but its expensive.

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It was your thread I think that brought me in here!
Thanks for the advice.

Looking through a lot of reviews on red wine kits, a lot of people advocate brewing them short / thicker to achieve the body. With the wine expert malbec kits (Classic or Reserve?) do you find there is any need for doing this?
No, I've never brewed the Reserve kits short. The Classic kits I've made were more 'lightweight'. Hence for me, the Reserve range is more to my taste in terms of body. If you brew a kit short, you might have a bit more in terms of body but I think you will also have more in terms of ABV which may, or may not, be particularly rewarding! In my brewing journey, I had made lots of beer and cider kits quite happily but had been put off doing wine as there are some posts suggesting that it's difficult to get a decent red out of a kit. That has not been my experience so far but of course, what tastes great to me might taste like cheesy feet juice to someone else. Enjoy your wine when it's ready and don't rush making it. Patience is your best friend.
I concur on the reserve kits - find them excellent and well worth the extra money. I don’t drink white normally so have brewed their Sauvignon blanc for the wife which I thought tasted okay but she wasn’t all that impressed. Not had a bad red reserve yet, find them far better than supermarket reds especially if you let them mature a bit. I’ve also bought dried grape skins and try to use these whenever I make a red as find it adds more body and depth of flavour.

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