Youngs American IPA

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That’s my AIPA all bottled up and in the fridge at 22C. It looked, smelt and tasted like beer so I’m fairly confident I’m not going to get the flat, black abomination I got the last time around (this is the replacement kit that Young’s sent me). Will report back in a few weeks.
Mine’s been in the FV for a week now and is quietly bubbling at approx 21*C.
Should I be checking anything? I haven’t opened the lid since I set it.
Mine’s been in the FV for a week now and is quietly bubbling at approx 21*C.
Should I be checking anything? I haven’t opened the lid since I set it.

All you're doing by opening the lid is increasing the risk of infection. Leave well alone and just let it bubble away. That beer needs at least two weeks in the FV anyway. When the bubbles stop, take an SG reading and that will give you a good idea of where you're at. Mine got to 1008 which is when I added the hops. Three days later, I bottled it.
Stuck one of these on Friday before Christmas in an emergency as was going away and wife is having party at end of month and has invited young colleagues who prefer 'craft' to your more traditional English bitters. Anyway kegged on Sunday so three and a bit weeks in primary and force carbing using my new stone. Poured off a glass (having discarded a pint or so) and it is very cloudy.

To save me reading the 50 pages, can anyone confirm whether this generally drops clear. Even I begrudgingly admit that it tastes great BTW.
Two weeks today, the AIPA has been in the FV. I just realised that the boiler was on the blink and the temp of the wort has dropped to 16*C.
I took a SG reading and it was 1008.
I have got the heating working again thanks god, but should I dry hop now after 2 weeks and a temp drop, or wait until the temp is back up and see if it continues to ferment?
PS I put my head in the FV and took a sniff...that cleared the sinus out!!!!
Does this look right?
Just taken reading and it’s at 1004.
Added the dry hops in a large nylon bag weighed down.
Sample tastes good already.
It has been in the FV for three weeks yesterday. So planning to bottle on Thursday.
Thanks for the feedback ghostship
All bottled on Sunday


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I helped a friend brew this kit as he got it for Christmas but doesn't have an equipment so i loaned him a fermenter and brought round all the other bits and pieces. Just bottled it last Monday and the smell from the dry hop was intense. I've not dry hopped any of my beers yet and don't brew with american hops so it was quite a novel experience for me. Hopefully, the beer turns out well, he gave me some bottles from the batch and I'm very interested as it's not my usual brew so a nice change.

He's already considering another brew and offered to come give me a hand sometime, he thought my bottle tree and rinser was amusing so wonder what he'll make of the grainfather...
Two things,
1. How long should I leave my bottles in a a warm environment before moving them to the garage for conditioning?
2. Which beer would you recommend for my second go?
Two things,
1. How long should I leave my bottles in a a warm environment before moving them to the garage for conditioning?
2. Which beer would you recommend for my second go?

I bottle my AIPA three weeks ago and have been drinking it for the past week (half way through it already so have stuck another kit on!) I brewed mine for 17 days and then took into the utility room which was about 10c and added the hops, left for three days and then bottled. I put two carb drops in per bottle and then left in the main house for a week to carb up. They are now back in the utility room but the milder temps mean they now need cooling before opening - they are lively.

The second batch i am brewing is behaving completely differently to the first - fermentation really took off and after a week it still has a frothy head although lessening. My plan with this is to brew it out for three weeks, drop the hops in for 4 days leaving it in the utility room and then bottle.

I'm not scientific - life's too short.

1st batch taste great - very similar to Punk IPA which is a winner!
Two things,
1. How long should I leave my bottles in a a warm environment before moving them to the garage for conditioning?
2. Which beer would you recommend for my second go?

2 weeks in the warm is the conventional wisdom
Two things,
1. How long should I leave my bottles in a a warm environment before moving them to the garage for conditioning?
2. Which beer would you recommend for my second go?

I would leave the beer in the warm for two weeks and then allow a month in the garage. I know it sounds a long time, but as I'm learning, patience is a virtue when it comes to home brewing. When I did the AIPA the first time, I allowed two weeks in the warm and then two weeks in the cold. It was OK, but it was soooo much better when I opened bottles one or two months after that. It's why I'm now trying to stockpile a bit - so I can avoid drinking the beers too early.

The next kit is a difficult one. You could try the APA from the Young's range (good, but not quite as good as the AIPA in my view, though I've seen others say the exact opposite!), or perhaps the Presidents Sierra American Pale Ale from Beerworks (available from Love Brewing). I can't comment on it as the kit is sitting in my study waiting to be started, but the reviews are excellent and it's another American craft style beer if you like that sort of thing.

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