Your views on how the Tories have handled Coronavirus.

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You obviously know him in person and can therefore make that statement in full confidence that it is correct.
Clearly not something you just wrote down because you don't like him or his politics.

maybe he can’t, but I know someone who was a PA to two PM’s (not Boris), and working around hime, he said this to me long ago! He’s quite (in)famous for it.
Except we'd have started with 18,000 more beds and 30,000 more nurses...

But would we? i don't believe anything politicians promise as they rarely do what they say they will. (and i am a labour voter as stated earlier)
IF we had a labour government, the mess would be exactly the same...

I don't see how they would have handled it any differently, do members really think they would have stockpiled millions of pounds worth of PPE on the off chance the predictions of a pandemic were right, i do not think so.
If we've got billions and billions (yes, I've exaggerated) of PPE as the chancellor has more or less just stated why don't the gov say to all haulage companies 'here, stop delivering sex toys and Maris otter for a couple of days. Here's a few quid and get this stuff to the hospitals'
Except we'd have started with 18,000 more beds and 30,000 more nurses...
COming from a family of NHS here they all actually say a lot of the problems especially with the way the NHS is financed and ran like a business came from Blairs Labour.

It always amazes me that a lot of the older generation from me have voted the same party all their life like their parents told them to do so and many (not all but many) will fericously back their party guild to the hilt even if theyir manifesto was building concentration camps and then find angles on everything against the other side.. I am not saying people dont have that right but its like a lot of people are raised with a brain washed view that they cannot understand anything than what they have been forced to understand.

Could Tories have done better? Probably in my opinion and probably were not not that prepapred and made some bad choices? Woudl labour have fared any better? I doubt it in my opinion.
Would Labour have done any better? It depends what that means. If they had won the last election then maybe not because they would have inherited 10 years of cuts in real terms to the NHS. However I believe the leadership of the crisis would have been better.
I think the government sending a plane to Turkey to get the PPE is a very good decision. Taking ownership and responsibility. Now let's hope they get their distribution equally right.
Could Tories have done better? Probably in my opinion and probably were not not that prepapred and made some bad choices? Woudl labour have fared any better? I doubt it in my opinion.
We've just had a general election and if Labour had won, they would have still inherited the same NHS and stockpile of PPE, drugs and equipment and the same shortages of staff in certain areas so it's difficult to see how they woule be in a better position to cope from that point of view. What needs asking from a general, philosophical point of view is whether Conservative social policy is better suited to the needs of this particular crisis than Labour social policy and vice-versa. The second question to ask is whether the known Leadership of a Labour Government would have acted more dynamically than the The Tory Leader(s) (Irrespective of the fact that hatred for the members of a probable Labour cabinet and the present Cabinet is polarised). It's difficult to predict whether Corbyn would have adopted the same "let's wait and see how this plays out in other countries" approach that Johnson did. But it's also difficult to see how any government could be so inept at procuring the equipment it needs for its front-line staff. It is well documented that the UK was invited to bid for a share out of ventilators and that the e-mails "somehow got into the spam boxes" it's equally well documented that this excuse doesn't wash since the offers were made repeatedly and not just by email. But that's water under the bridge, anyone can be wrong-footed. But there seems to be little change: I've just read an article on the front page of the Torygraph about a UK firm having to send its stock of PPE to Europe because the Gov't won't reply to their offer to supply the NHS: Exclusive: Millions of pieces of PPE are being shipped from Britain to Europe despite NHS shortages This is just a bit of the article, you can see more of it by looking at the photo of the front page on Sky News/ front pages. If this is true, then I'm lost for words. The paradox is that if Labour had got in and started releasing budgets and helping businesses and spending money to the same extent that Sunac has, they would be vilified by the partisan press for irresponsible spending and Labour spending gone mad and predictions of tax and spend etc, etc, which means they wouldn't have been allowed to fare any better. And that's the answer to you question, I think. Our job, and the Opposition's job, therefore, is to get this shower to actually do their job and sharpen up their game to a considerable degree.
The one thing I think the Government is doing right is extending the lockdown. There's increasing calls to ease up on it from various quarters but it seems the evidence suggests that if you ease up too soon you get a second wave. We'll possibly see this happen in the US soon enough because Trump has folded to those "increasing call" and is easing up the US lockdown
The one thing I think the Government is doing right is extending the lockdown. There's increasing calls to ease up on it from various quarters but it seems the evidence suggests that if you ease up too soon you get a second wave. We'll possibly see this happen in the US soon enough because Trump has folded to those "increasing call" and is easing up the US lockdown
I agree with that and I hope they stick with it. Better late than never. BoJo's cavalier approach to personal safety was hardly an example to the nation. And his dad's well publicised insistence on disregarding early calls for social distancing didn't help either. So my question is: who is the owner of the collective Tory brain cell that is actually making some intelligent calls? It's not the long-convalescing BoJo, that's for sure! Neither is it Cummings. Where is that little maggot, by the way? Plotting and scheming in some dark hole somewhere, no doubt.
I still don't understand the point people are making about could labour do any better. That is a totally pointless arguement until the next election. To say someone else couldn't do any better doesn't make the present situation or handling of it any better, or less worse. If you were poorly, but not as poorly as someone else, it doesn't make you any less poorly.

Labour haven't been in power or anywhere near it for a while. We might as well ask if Ramsey MacDonald could do any better.
who is the owner of the collective Tory brain cell that is actually making some intelligent calls?

Do you honestly believe one person makes all the decisions and the rest just go along even if they dont agree?
I agree with that and I hope they stick with it. Better late than never. BoJo's cavalier approach to personal safety was hardly an example to the nation. And his dad's well publicised insistence on disregarding early calls for social distancing didn't help either. So my question is: who is the owner of the collective Tory brain cell that is actually making some intelligent calls? It's not the long-convalescing BoJo, that's for sure! Neither is it Cummings. Where is that little maggot, by the way? Plotting and scheming in some dark hole somewhere, no doubt.

Perhaps he's in quarantine because he caught C-19 from BJ?
Do you honestly believe one person makes all the decisions and the rest just go along even if they dont agree?
No. Not at the moment. I think decisions are made collaboratively in the absence of the PM. "the collective brain cell" is a figure of speech implying that within this collaboration there is at least a little intelligence and vision and I wonder where it lies. On the other hand, when the boy wonder finally drags himself back into the saddle and picks up the reins, I think there will be a much greater degree of one man calling the shots and the rest falling over themselves to fall in line. Many weeks ago, perhaps in a different thread you said that the PM has advisors and acts on the advice he's given and therefore shares responsibility for his decisions. That's the way it should be, I agree, but I'm not sure that's strictly true with Boris- a very loose canon, who doesn't even take his own advice. Maybe now, after, a near death experience, he may have changed a bit. Let's wait and see.
It always amazes me that a lot of the older generation from me have voted the same party all their life like their parents told them to do so and many (not all but many) will fericously back their party guild to the hilt even if theyir manifesto was building concentration camps and then find angles on everything against the other side.. I am not saying people dont have that right but its like a lot of people are raised with a brain washed view that they cannot understand anything than what they have been forced to understand.

To misquote Tybalt;

"What, draw and talk of Tories! I hate the word as I hate hell, all Conservatives and Maggie Thatcher" :laugh8:
I agree with that and I hope they stick with it. Better late than never. BoJo's cavalier approach to personal safety was hardly an example to the nation. And his dad's well publicised insistence on disregarding early calls for social distancing didn't help either. So my question is: who is the owner of the collective Tory brain cell that is actually making some intelligent calls? It's not the long-convalescing BoJo, that's for sure! Neither is it Cummings. Where is that little maggot, by the way? Plotting and scheming in some dark hole somewhere, no doubt.

I suspect he is recovering from C19

Look I have no dog in this fight as I have neevr voted tory so far but you're posts suggest you habour a complete blind hatred for him and his team? It seems to be fueled with an irrational contempt?

I mean surley you realise he was ill right?
I think there are people on here and in the outside world who believe Matt Hancock writes and signs every requisition for anything needed in the NHS and it is countersigned by the PM. And between the two of them they then expedite those same orders, inspect and organise every last detail in delivery and distribution.
To think such a thing is of course ridiculous.
The government dictate policy.
There are thousands of procurement specialists in the NHS. Logic dictates that, given the enormous budget they have. They have a brief. They know what is needed in detail. Are these people thinking out the box to obtain what is necessary. Money certainly doesn't seem to be a problem at present. But anyone who has dealt with NHS procurement will tell you what a difficult organisation they are to deal with.
So whilst the government is not entirely without fault for some of the shortages, why aren't folks questioning the ability of the NHS itself to source what is needed. Or is it too uncomfortable to do that at the present time, given it falls under the heading of 'NHS bashing'.
I've always said the front line medical staff in the NHS are (mostly) first class, and the equipment they have seems that too, its the others who support them that often lets it down.

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