Sexism taken too far?

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Hey Dutto. You must be the only person I know that's worked at sea or offshore that hasn't broken Number 10.

I didn't say I hadn't broken them; just that I would like to live by them.

Number 7 was the one I found the easiest to break; but old age sorts that one out!

But Dutto, coveting all your neighbors property and then ganging up and stealing it all off him in the name of the workers is socialism defined, isn't it?

Sorry, couldn't resist.

A fellow ELDC resident I see!:thumb:

We must go for a beer some time, if you have a vehicle that can cope with all the potholes that this Government have allowed to flourish in the roads around here! A tractor will be just about adequate!

In my defence, I haven't knowingly broken Number 6; yet! :wave:
I think that’s going to backfire on BrewDog. I believe their intention is good but the label and the spin on that campaign doesn’t come off well
Isn't that the point though, most not all. For the ones that don't, it is inappropriate and sexual harassment. And having an array of pump clips there making it look acceptable, also makes it hard to argue that it isn't.

If the pump clips were there when they went for an interview and they found them offensive they had the choice not to take the job they will be banning swearing next in case someone is offended. :roll:
If the pump clips were there when they went for an interview and they found them offensive they had the choice not to take the job they will be banning swearing next in case someone is offended. :roll:

I refer you to the comments I made in posts 24, 43 and 59. Just because nobody had complained does not mean it isn’t wrong. If I was a school teacher I would be asking the class to triple underline that.
I once saw a pump clip with a picture of a castle on it. I have a deep-seated paranoia about castles, especially ones illuminated by a ghostly moon, and was shocked and offended that I was forced to observe one in a pub, of all places. The woman stood next to me thought it was funny and told me to be a man. Where do I complain?
I once saw a pump clip with a picture of a castle on it. I have a deep-seated paranoia about castles, especially ones illuminated by a ghostly moon, and was shocked and offended that I was forced to observe one in a pub, of all places. The woman stood next to me thought it was funny and told me to be a man. Where do I complain?

Just because nobody had complained does not mean it isn’t wrong

Maybe no one complains because 99% of beer pump clips are not offensive to 99% of drinkers.
I once saw a pump clip with a picture of a castle on it. I have a deep-seated paranoia about castles, especially ones illuminated by a ghostly moon, and was shocked and offended that I was forced to observe one in a pub, of all places. The woman stood next to me thought it was funny and told me to be a man. Where do I complain?
Presumably you don't. This pub is for castle lovers only and we're not interested in the opinions of non castle lovers. You should be grateful you're even allowed in here. You should be at home wallpapering your flat plastered walls. Love
I once saw a pump clip with a picture of a castle on it. I have a deep-seated paranoia about castles, especially ones illuminated by a ghostly moon, and was shocked and offended that I was forced to observe one in a pub, of all places. The woman stood next to me thought it was funny and told me to be a man. Where do I complain?

You can’t because there’s no law against discriminating against people who are scared of castles. There is a law against discrimination against women.

Suck it up snowflake.

Edit: but if your fear of moons is because you’re werewolf you may qualify for compensation, but only in a Harry Potter book.
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I googled sexist beer pump clips to see how bad some are this one made me. :laugh8:

You can’t because there’s no law against discriminating against people who are scared of castles. There is a law against discrimination against women.

Suck it up snowflake.

Edit: but if your fear of moons is because you’re werewolf you may qualify for compensation, but only in a Harry Potter book.

But she told me to "grow a pair" and "be a man!" when it is perfectly obvious to all but the blind that I am already a man! She must have been suggesting that it's ok for wimmin to have castleophobia but not men. That's sexist!
But she told me to "grow a pair" and "be a man!" when it is perfectly obvious to all but the blind that I am already a man! She must have been suggesting that it's ok for wimmin to have castleophobia but not men. That's sexist!

Quite right, you should’ve reported her. But not the pub.
But she told me to "grow a pair" and "be a man!" when it is perfectly obvious to all but the blind that I am already a man! She must have been suggesting that it's ok for wimmin to have castleophobia but not men. That's sexist!
In fairness she could have been suffering from Turrets.

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