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Mar 17, 2013
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Ulverston Cumbria.
Why are people who share their lives online surprised when their data is used by other companies does anyone read the T&C's. (I don't use it)
Heard the same quote a couple of times recently.

"If you're getting ANY online service for free, it's because you are the product being sold to someone else"

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They are discussing it on 5live as I type this one guy has just said he stopped using it yesterday and he has had conversations with friends he has not spoke to in ages because it was easier to use Facebook, he is not going back.

I have asked this many times how many of your Facebook friends would you leave in your house while you went to the corner shop for a pint of milk, I bet not many it's fakebook and it's not social media it's antisocial media.

Rant over.
Heard the same quote a couple of times recently.

"If you're getting ANY online service for free, it's because you are the product being sold to someone else"

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Can you think of any other examples :?:

I do use Facebook but not a huge amount and I’m very careful about what information is ever on there, nothing that wouldn’t be able to be found from another public source.
I don't use Facebook, but I think the 'friends' thing gets taken too literally. This type of site or any social media platform are all the same, people share snippets of personal information with strangers and site providers. For example, there was a thread the other week where someone shared the info that it was their 70th birthday that day.

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Can you think of any other examples :?:

I do use Facebook but not a huge amount and I’m very careful about what information is ever on there, nothing that wouldn’t be able to be found from another public source.
Any site with targeted adverts, for a start.

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Have you seen the recent channel 4 news videos about Cambridge Analytica and how they use facebook data (search on utube if not). Also I saw something a while ago showing ways they can collect much more data on you than you think, ie they use facial reconision mixed with spotting marks on camera lenses and can spot you on photos oyur not tagged in and not even by someone your friends with which could place you in locations you have been and link you to people your not friends with. Its not much of an issue for people in the UK but in countries that are more authoritarian it could land you in trouble.
Why are people who share their lives online surprised when their data is used by other companies does anyone read the T&C's. (I don't use it)

An excellent question. I have an FB account, and have been fully aware that everything I put on there gets shared with companies, it's the main way they make money from the platform. The best part of this "scandal" though, it was all about a survey app on there, created by a 3rd party, that folks completed knowing full well it was a survey... It's like been upset that the telephone survey you did gets you shed loads of junk mail through your letter box...

As a rule, if you put it on the internet it WILL be spidered, archived, stolen etc.... Sooner or later.

Then there are the folks moaning about actual fake news on the platform... Last I looked it's supposed to be a social network, not a validated news source... But that's ok, Bert in the pub says.... Yeah, that's the analogy I would use.

Oh, and I originally joined to promote a club I had founded, then found that a LOT of real life friends insisted on using it to share info. Then got dragged in to using WhatsApp (rather than BBM) by all my friends refusing to get BBM and constantly wanting me to use WhatsApp (as it's a lovely cheap way to send photos to people).

If you walk around with your eyes closed, you WILL walk into bad things sometimes.
Facebook can be a useful tool for keeping in touch with REAL friends and family who live some distance away, heck I set up a private group on there where I post updates for my sister and my parents to help us to stay in touch as we live rather a long way from them and don't have any transport. I just don't EVER post anything on there that I wouldn't be happy with everybody in the world knowing.

I could of course do the same (and do) using a blog site I hosted myself, and it'd still be subject to companies using it to gather data as that's what happens when you put stuff on the internet. Privacy is about what you don't put online, if you put it online it's then public.
Facebook can be a useful tool for keeping in touch with REAL friends and family who live some distance away.

I can see how that would be useful and if my family/friends lived away i would probably use it just for that, its the fake friends thing that puts me right off i have never got it and never will.
Ok, different take on this...

I fully support and take part in social media. I always tick the remember me, tracking and opt in options. I'm also a big supporter of android, Alexa and Google.
It's uncanny how 'it' learns from your behaviour and assists me in searches, shopping and help. It's connected me to people I'd lost contact with years gone by. Rekindled old and dear friendships, put me in touch with new real friends and helped me help others in my community.
However I don't know how ''they' profit from me, as I buy virtually never buy anything online. Except home brew supplies, I like to look and touch and feel before parting with my hard earned yorkshire cash!

We are fortunate to live in a modern western democracy and although my FB profiles are locked down, all my other activities online are open and I don't do anything that is illegal or embarrassing (except to my 10 year old daughter)... So why not? I get loads from it... It's a two way street.
How are you being a "big supporter"?
The "friends "thing is total rubbish.. it is however a clever tool invented by the media circus to enable seamless data tagging.....
I think personalisation is a good thing. If I'm gonna be bombarded with ads all day I'd much rather it was something I like looking at, like beer or dogs, instead of car tyres or canoe paddles. These companies don't have your name when it comes to marketing, just "push this ad to users who are between the ages of X and enjoy X".

I trust Google and FB with this data, it's for marketing purposes. What I'm worried about is the government getting hold of it. I'm sure at some point a government will ask for user data as a form of control eventually, using the guise of "anti terror" to requisition it, and I really hope tech companies stand firm.
How are you being a "big supporter"?
The "friends "thing is total rubbish.. it is however a clever tool invented by the media circus to enable seamless data tagging.....
Friends thing rubbish? I would consider two of my new (ish) friends found through FB to be real friends. I'm about to go on holiday with one of them and I'm godfather to the others youngest....
As for data tagging., So what?
I love music and I love gigs. "It" "they" "them" know my searches and music lists

The number of targeted ads I get for gigs and new albums that are specifically targeted at my musical tastes is frankly brilliant!
Its great. Simples

Edited to add : how new is new?
I've known john for 6 years and met him through FB via a running group and I'm now his youngest godfather
I've known Sheena and Jenni for 18 months through FB and both our families are going to Pembrey for a week over Easter
I've been on FB since pretty much the beginning, however I don't see how long I've known them to be relevant. It's how I met them - via social media - that's important to this discussion