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Staff member
Mar 17, 2013
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Ulverston Cumbria.
What was your best moment of 2016.

(feel free to add more than one)

Mine was - Opening the letter telling me i had got the job.

(at my age its not easy and i thought it would never happen)

First moving up to all grain after trying a punk IPA stove top kit. Oh and getting my brand new triumph street triple r
Watching my son turn into a little toddler, full of character and my best mate.

This for me too. He's had too spells recently where he's come on leaps and bounds pretty much overnight!

Also, getting the living room done up. It feels so much more spacious and relaxing. Previously it was a bit of a mess, cluttered and full of the kids' toys. It's amazing what a couple of genius space-saving ideas can do!
Good for you chippy tea! I managed 10 miles on my pushbike...all part of my fitness regime after my hip replacement. I don't do ten miles all the time..usually about 5 plus gym.💪
Getting an allotment. ..lots to do but very rewarding and a freezer full of veg plus loads to dig up🌽
Low point...having our Bramble the jack Russel put to sleep,she was 15 and a proper antagonistic rough and ready terrier..very sorely missed. We do now have another little dog to keep the others company..a jack poodle cross called Holly ..



Oh yeah...and making beer!!!!
Got a grainfather setup!!
And I can walk a bit still!! Got two scooters and never used them!
My first disabled car bought out of my own money!!!
And our lass n our daughter still think I'm crazy!!
Best of all getting back in the forum and learning again...
These are memories I'll cherish!
My family holiday to Singapore and the onto New Zealand......still here. 😀 And loving every minute.

Second would be starting to home brewing. Really enjoying the whole process...well maybe not the cleaning. 😜
Not been my best year - I really didn't want to move from Skye to Dumfries, but it's working out.
So, the best moment has to be confirmation that we'd excluded the 350 adult bats (apparently this went up to 650+ when their offspring were flying as well!) from the upstairs bedroom ceiling in our new house. God, did they stink! Cost a fair bit, but SNH and the local bat group were very helpful.
I'm already planning my best moment of 2017 - perhaps when we sell at a decent profit & move back north. But it may not happen..... :-?
If it does...... these lovely looking things seem to be well cheap (Yamaha BT1100):


I know, a 65 year old shouldn't have a 1100cc bike. But it looks great, and from what I've read, this is a pussycat. Detuned engine. Great brakes. OK handling - but I wouldn't be pushing that too hard anyway :)
Could be a super replacement for my recent bereavement from my old Suzuki VX800 :thumb:
Hoppyland get the bike! At 51 I'm starting to wonder if it's time to hang up the helmet and let the ol FJ12 go. Such thoughts are fleeting and I wonder what just came over me. I know I'd be eternally miserable without it. In fact, despite the cold and damp and approaching darkness I'm gonna burn some rubber and loosen a few cobwebs right now...
It was the look on my children's faces and the excitement they couldn't contain on arrival at Tayto park.
I had taken an alternative route through the countryside and the end of the met the roundabout at the entrance to the park.
What a fantastic day we had and they still talk about the holidays.
Oh and getting back to HB again.Funny how you forget how good something's make you feel.👍

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My family holiday to Singapore and the onto New Zealand......still here. ������ And loving every minute.
I read this and thought "Oooo, someone living in NZ is posting".
Then I looked at the members map (VERY useful) and saw that
you are in Dumfries.
Youngest daughter getting through first year of Uni.
Eldest daughter getting engaged to be married in 2017.
Finding home brew.
First two I'm not looking forward to ongoing costs - the last one is helping me save !

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I read this and thought "Oooo, someone living in NZ is posting".
Then I looked at the members map (VERY useful) and saw that
you are in Dumfries.

Just an extended holiday unfortunately. But still getting my fix of the forum:thumb:
Hoppyland get the bike! At 51 I'm starting to wonder if it's time to hang up the helmet and let the ol FJ12 go. Such thoughts are fleeting and I wonder what just came over me. I know I'd be eternally miserable without it. In fact, despite the cold and damp and approaching darkness I'm gonna burn some rubber and loosen a few cobwebs right now...
I replaced my fj12 this year. It needs two strong men to pick up if you drop it. Got a 900divi now, its a lot lighter and nimbler. Your right, life would be miserable without the bike (and beer).

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