allergic reaction

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Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
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A mate gave me a bottle of his fruity rose wine but after I drank the bottle, I noticed red blotches over my face,neck,arms and hands. I've never had this before with any drinks. Has anyone experienced this? Is it serious?
Are you allergic to any fruits? Have you checked with your mate to see if he has had a similar reaction?

Its not something I have encountered in many years homebrewing. If it persists then I would certainly go to the Dr's
As far as I'm aware I'm not allergic to anything so this is a first. He did a rose before and I was fine but this time, he wanted it to be more fruity which he succeeded but I've had these blotches so ill have to speak to him. I think he just added more of same juices he put in first batch
Lol :D
U look on web and some say its alcoholic poisoning/ liver can't cope and to stop drinking but I'm hoping that's abit drastic
That sounds like the allergic reaction I have to some blackberry-raspberry hybrids like loganberries and tayberries (although I'm fine with blackberries and raspberries themselves). The rash is slightly itchy.
Cheers for the replies. Im not sure what he has put in it. Ill speak to him next week at work. Yeah was itchy and had a headache also. The rash calmed down after a few hours
My wife has this with all alcohol - sipped a cosmopolitan last night (first alcohol in two years) and went up in the usual big red, burning, rash.

She's always had it and used to just drink through it in our student days, nowadays she prefers just not to drink!

She's not actually been to a doctor about it but it's clearly an allergic reaction to something specifically in alcoholic drinks as she's never had it with anything else.
Thanks for the replies. Yeah ill have to keep an eye on it. He said he used same finnings as last batch and no sulphites. He used wgj,rgj,pineapple, banana juice so nothing unusual. He said no one else had a reaction to the wine. It's a strange one
iceo said:
what about shellfish? some finings are made from shellfish
+1 to this. I am allergic to mussels and crayfish and get the same reaction the OP describes. I also get the reaction when I drink some white wines (particularly prosecco and Italian whites) and very occasionally with some commercial beers. I blame chitosan finings, but have not had it confirmed in any way (GP very uninterested). I recently checked some finings in a shop and they were made with chitosan, so if that's what your mate used, that could be to blame.
I get it with some drinks but its very hit & miss. My homebrew is yet to cause it, which makes me think its something added.

GPs don't seem remotely bothered, if you do get it again I find anti-histamines will cool it down fast, but I would love to know the actual cause so I could avoid it all together. The internet is full of theories etc but there is little in the way of definitive answers out there.

Port is the biggest culprit for me, so I simply avoid it ( only hurts a bit at Xmas )

Also, I never had it before my mid 20's