Average brewers age ?

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Thisledome said:
My local homebrew store man got me started, he even gave me credit to get my 1st brew on.
Has he got you hooked? Is he a grain pusher. :whistle: :whistle:

43 and still alive and kicking. Been brewing for about a year. got the bug after buying a beginners kit Coopers IPA.

Then on't tinterweb, you tube and watched some Americans building garage breweries. I thought to myself "Im having some of that". AG ever since.

I love it when friends talk about home brew being rubbish. That is until they try it. I recently gave 5 gallons to a mate for his birthday BBQ, The lot went in a couple of hours leving him with cans of Euro fizz and wife beater.

When you think about it the commercial brewers brew beer to a budget to make profit. We however brew beer to taste and we do not have the same constraints. Therefore we in theory should be producing stuff that is like nectar. Having tried one or two from other brewers (Thats you Barnsley Brewer), I can safely say that this theory is right
I am 37 and started brewing last summer - and I am a young 37 as well.. not at all old headed.. but I really enjoy making really good beers :cheers:
37 and been brewing for 3 years now. Wife bought me a Coopers Starter Kit and I've been useing that ever since. Did 2xCoopers lager, 1xCoopers Cerveza, 2xCoopers IPA, and about to do a Tom Caxtons Dark Real Ale. Started looking at Corny kegs last night but the Mrs isn't keen to have more gubbins in the house! Just as well we bought a new 8x6 shed at the weekend which will have power to it eventually :cheers:
well i might as well join in with the age thing!! am 37 and as some one said earlier i am also a young minded 37 with lots of hobies and most of them dangrous lol!! i started doin beer kits at 15 and wine from fruit as my mum was a home wine maker in a club and taught me,had a massisve break and last few years got into doin beer kits every once in a while,then end of last year made the all grain leap and never looked back since i love making and experimenting with recipes,prob is my mates keep nicking my beer lol,oh well proves it tastes good :drink: :thumb:
25 here, only recently got into it but loving it :)

From the sound of it this Saterday my 21 year old friend and his 23 year old brother might become homebrewers too after seeing how cheap/easy/fun/tasty it can be!
I think this post should have some form of poll... that would provide a nice graphical aid for the MTV generation who like a quick fix rather than reading... (I class my self in this bracket.. I have a terrible attention spa.......
Just turned 53.

Started wine-making early 90s and beer a few years later. Had a break of at least 6 years. Started recently again using a kit with BBE date 2006 and 20 pints are currently maturing.

The reactions of many people are due to lack of knowledge mainly - we are now used to the fact that food & beverage production is now mostly in the hands of multi-national conglomerates who employ armies of scientists to develop and manufacture their wares. Many of the skills which used to be passed on from generation to generation, such as brewing, gardening, cooking, etc are lacking these days. There is much less experimentation now, we rather turn to google to ask whether something is safe or possible.....
33, got a starter kit last christmas now i'm totally hooked. Got three kegs and a load of bottles on the go at the mo, but could do with another fermenter and an extra keg if i can find the room :cheers:
BarnsleyBrewer said:
Thisledome said:
My local homebrew store man got me started, he even gave me credit to get my 1st brew on.
Has he got you hooked? Is he a grain pusher. :whistle: :whistle:


BB maybe that was his plan :rofl:lol Darcey I don't know about that one hehehe. The credit thing was all about me showing interest and said i will be back on pay day. With living real close to him, i guess he trusted in giving me a starter wine kit and beer kit, he sold me some useful things cheap, also gave me items. You don't find many people like that around.
Im 16 only done one brew but i feel many more coming :thumb: