bloody robins....

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Jan 23, 2010
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Brewing in a bag ,in Northampton
we had robins nesting in the garden which was all very nice......until

today i found one dead baby sparrow in the garden, [they were nesting there too]
then just a while ago i had to stop one of said robins from killing another fledgling sparrow,

i relocated it to another house on the other side of the road, hope fully out of the robins territory...
They are very territorial and aggressive little things. It is horrible but after all it is nature, the robin is only defending his food supply for its young.
Oh I won't feel so bad about our cat killing one then.

Mind you he's had 4 other birds in the last 10 days. I don't think they were all robins!
We get a lot of birds in our garden but never have much trouble with Robins, its the Magpies that are double hard bastards, the only ones that stand up to them are the collard doves, they have a real go back. Mind you they all scarper when the Sparrowhawk comes along, he is the daddy.
A neighbour used to take great pleasure in moaning about our cats killing her koi carp as she'd seen the dead fish on our patio. I took even greater pleasure showing her a picture I took at 5am of a heron stood on our garage with a koi in its gob
Don't think that you are safe with a net. When I worked on a fish farm in Scotland we had tentioned nets a metre above the water a group of herons would come down and weigh the net down then have a feeding frenzy on the salmon smolts. Mind you I have seen otters take 4lb salmon out of the cages at sea.
what would rather see though, a little bully with a red breast, a giant gold fish or an elegant creature naturally doing its thing with style ;)
Otters were applauded for taking a salmon everything else was scared away with every conceivable contraption known to man including inflatable killer whales to scare off seals.

Its nature at the end of the day, if you introduce large quantities of tasty prey into an environment then the local predator populations are going to explode.
Had a Blackbirds nest in my garden, what a worry, one died after getting stuck and another died because it was way too small and couldn't survive away from the warm comfy nest. :( (I like nest). ;)

Hope they don't nest again!

we had blackbirds as well earlier,
there were 4 babies hatched and cheeping away,
a couple of days later all had gone...and a fecking big crow was in the garden...they know where easy food is when its cheeping..

today we had another baby sparrow in the garden...i bet the robins gonna have that too... :evil:
its surprising how many different birds kill each other[google] and their own species... :wha:
Our Cocker Spaniel (Young Jasper) thought a newly fledged sparrow was a "special toy" for him, Mrs Wez to the rescue and all was well.
Got Sparrows, Wood Pigeons, Collared Doves, Starlings, Coal ****, Robins, Greenfinches and loads more in the garden. They are all a pain in the arrze. Whatever I plant or sow is munched, no matter how much netting they find a way through. Dawn chorus is louder than a loud thing. The sparrows are even are ripping out my cavity wall insulation.

I'm buying another air rifle and a cookbook which specialises in wood pigeon.
I don't mind the Robin although they are aggressive lil things

I'm starting to not like our fruit picking birds (blackbird is the worse one) all my cherries are vanishing and they aint ripe yet grrrr I've never had a cherry in the 10 years of owning the two trees

magpies are prob my most hated bird they are horrible as they have there young so much earlier then the other birds so they teach them young so by the time all the little birdies (including our ducklings)all pop out the bloody magpies swoop them .......... unless a collar dove sees them and they go swooping them lol

like above said it's even better when the hawk comes ............. all goes quiet except for daffy in middle of pond quacking to warn everything

oh and a net never works for our pond either the bloody heron always takes our trout :mad: daffy hates the heron and will run to attack him but he just looks at her as though she's a nutter :)
It is amazing how small birds will mob a larger predator. When living on the west coast of Scotland I was fortunate to see eagles very frequently. It always amazed me if you saw an eagle at low level it would be harassed by hoodie crows.

On one occasion an eagle was quartering an area of hill side and was being mobbed by two hoodies. The eagle being a wise old bird and decided to hit a thermal near an outcrop and rapidly rose in the air away from the hoodies. The hoodies responded by flying as fast as they could in pursuit of the eagle. Again they reached him and processed to dive bomb him. Now this eagle really was a wise old bird, his next move in this game of aerial chess was to fold his wings and drop to the earth, the crows followed in hot pursuit only to be meet half way down by the eagle with wings out stretched riding back up the thermal. Again the crows pursued.

This carried on for about five or so minutes until the hoodies were well and truley F*@ked and had to give up. The eagle was then able to carry on his way.
