Bottles v Pressure keg

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Colin K

Active Member
Oct 5, 2011
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I wondered if anyone had any advice/opinions ? I have got into my brewing both beer and wine in quite a big way.
I have two pressure barrels with beer/lager maturing and ......... no correction I only have 8 pts of the beer left :oops: and 40 pts of beer that I bottled. There is quite some difference in quality between the bottled/keg beer. The bottled stuff tastes more crisp and has a bit of freshness about it however the kegs are definately more.............Claggy. Is there a reason for this ? I dont use finnings in either. My pressure barrels have top feed floats. Hope this is the terminology ?

All the best, Colin.
I've found pretty much the same Colin, the barreled stuff is good, but then when I open a bottle from the same batch it's much better. i'm planning to mainly bottle in future, which is a bit annoying 'cos I've got 3 pressure kegs. I guess this is why so many people on here are using Corny Kegs.
I've stopped using my keg for the reason above; basically, the ale is ****. Lifeless. Far, far better in a bottle.
Glass bottled beers will always taste crisper ,or so I read many years ago .I couldnt see why back then so I set about exhaustive comparison tests .From what I remember of this process ,this was true .I did have it explained to me technically but I dont recall ,or remember if I ever really understood . :oops:

Myself ,I have not had the best luck with barrels and have always preferred the bottled stuff ,even (like yours) when from the same batch . I am going to try again though .The bottle cleaning is getting really arduous since I copped some the time Im done with 40 pint bottles I need to start sterilising again ! Its like that famous bridge...... :?

PS I know what you mean about "claggy" too
This is an interesting topic. I am about to send the wife out to but a couple of King Kegs for my Xmas pressie and now I am wondering if she should.....
I've only produced 2 brews so far,one bottled and one in a keg,and the bottled stuff is noticeably better....and also a lot clearer for some reason :wha:
I stopped using King Kegs for the same reasons.
A right pain they were.
Waste of money in my opinion.
I had a plastic keg many many years ago, but never even contemplated going down that route this time around.

Cornies are great for session brews and fizzy wine, but I still bottle most of my beer.
Thanks all Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa h well i have 2 ............... nope 2 posh and 1 cheapo pressure kegs that i have "treated" myself to. Well will keep on try ing with them and will report back

All the best,
I have just read this after parting with a few quid for 2 good 2nd hand top tap king kegs. I have just filled the first one with an american pale ale. I got totally pinkled off with bottling 40 litres a go, I now whack it in the keg and bottle the rest.

I do hope they work
Many people swear by them so dont get disheartened .Im sure there are many little tricks and tips that theregular users have that they could share to ensure success .

Me ,I just swear AT them .But I am going to barrel a batch of Coopers Draught for a mate .Does anyone one have any tips for hassle free plastic kegging ?
Thinking on it, it's another one of those time vs quality compromises isn't it...

I could brew all grain for best taste, but it's time consuming so I go for an inferior drinking experience from an extract-based kit. Likewise, it's a pain in the rear to prepare and fill loads of bottles, so I just pop the lot into a keg if I've got one sitting empty.
Thanks all for your comments. I wondered if perhaps with my kegs im thinking that it is ready for drinking earlier than it actually is. Also sold by the idea that if I buy a top float system then its ready sooner ?? and yes I sample it quite early !!
Just wondered whether it should be left longer, I am now at the end of my 1st 40 pts of bitter. I have to say the claggy taste was no longer there and all the keg lack is that crisp sparkle of the bottles.

Im going to keep bashing away but would love to hear others experiences.

All the best,
I have two pressure barrels that I prefer to use over bottles just out of pure laziness.

I do agree that my bottled beer tends to be nicer, but I believe that is due to the fact that cheapo pressure barrels have inferior seals to bottles or corny kegs.

I definitely tuck into the keg sooner than I would my bottle stash, so that probably doesn't help.

I bottled my last brew in a corny and so far it tastes wonderful!