Brewing with 2 GrainFather G30’s-How Would you use them?

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Jul 11, 2013
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morning all,
well as my old G30 has a newish companion (G30 connect old Ver. 2) coming.
it got me thinking back in the day of 3 tier set up.
off the bat i have GF HLT already.
so thinking out loud here!
bear with me!
side by side G30 & HLT.
one mash in & sparge!
at this point thinking after sparge, pump first running back into the malt pipe!
when happy tranfer ova wort into 2nd GF for boil?
what you think so far?
i can wash out first GF and thinking whirlpool and temp drop for tranfer! into the first GF!
ok a faff on!
but thinking it can only help filtering.
ok why not brew 2 different brews in the two GF?
though bout this, as my leccy feed has sepate & trips!
obv with my damaged brain i’ve got blinkers on and don’t see the ‘Obvious’
So be great advice or get a good brew day set up!!
they’ll be “many ways to skin a cat!’ and loads of options!
see load on youtube using first system for HLT etc.
thinking tranfer after brewing into a cold GF can only help temp drop and 2nd filter set up!
as well as worth chiller!
ull play with temp drop without wort chiller see how it gets on!
waffled too much!
what would you do?
let’s face it! when you think o it 3 tier set up!
mash tun, Boil kettle & Hlt.
obv i’ll have work out LOSSES!
back and forth (transfer to boil kettle, and back after! let alone loss to FV!
efficiency would be noted lol
lads some mint ideas there.
selling one could be an option!
HLT for all i got a 16l Grainfather HLT and the 25l one (that i was going to used for BiAB-never got round to it)
think as my leccy system can brew both G30’s at the same time to practice this in the new year!
as my double small batch (black ipa-london porter) into brewbucket mini’s.
all i need to get another small pipe work kit for low vol brews.
we’ll see how it happens near the time lol
thx so much.
Tbh. Boiling isn't the isn't. Heating is the issue. They probably shouldn't be on the same ring main if running parallel.
Yes. Don't run them off the same circuit.

I had to stop catering staff at the museum from running 2 tea urns off one socket, but even then the socket got blackened before I got there. At least nothing went up in smoke.
On second thought about a re-itterated mash;
Put both GF's next to another with the pumpunits as close as possible. As stated above on seperate rings of course. Then put the sparge outlet from GF1 in to GF2 and vice versa. Then run both sparges simultaniously. You'll only have to match the mash temps.
We have just had a thread re cables melting as people are using the larger volume AIO's which in my world should not be used in a normal domestic electric set-up so before possibly boiling 2 at the same time get a leccy to look at where you are plugging them in and the circuit they are on.
They may work but eventually something will give in a normal domestic electrical system.
Danger Danger Will Robinson!!! :laugh8: that's if anybody gets it:laugh8:
We have just had a thread re cables melting as people are using the larger volume AIO's which in my world should not be used in a normal domestic electric set-up so before possibly boiling 2 at the same time get a leccy to look at where you are plugging them in and the circuit they are on.
They may work but eventually something will give in a normal domestic electrical system.
Danger Danger Will Robinson!!! :laugh8: that's if anybody gets it:laugh8:
The same probably holds true for sparge water heaters + HLT/AIO.
My sparge water heater gets turned on during the mash when the GF is at at 4% power, so no problem there. But for a step mash there is probably overlap with the sparge water heater +Gf at full power as it goes up to the next step. I probably should pay more attention to this. Different sockets on the same ring, but thanks for pointing out out 👍

But to the OP. It's not obvious what you're trying to achieve with 2 GFs that you can't achieve with 1
But to the OP. It's not obvious what you're trying to achieve with 2 GFs that you can't achieve with 1

Hmm.this is the best I can come up with....

If they are both operational sell one.
If not, consider using the dead one, as a fully temp controlled fermentation vessel.
Or sell it for spates/repairs.
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They probably shouldn't be on the same ring main if running parallel.

Yes. Don't run them off the same circuit.
I'm no electrician, but like understanding things (especially when it comes to safety).

From what I've read, a standard UK ring has a 32A rating, which should be plenty to handle 2x grainfather (2kW each, 4kW total = 16.6A). Obviously if they are plugged into the wall, not the same extension. What am I missing? Why shouldn't we run both off the same ring?
Really good reading, specially with safety in mind.
I'll mention that my brewery (outhouse) has its own leccy surely plus breaker/reset.
Ill test in there and in the kitchen.
32a is a ring main breaker (cut out) rating.

Local conditions will affect the real world performance of any circuit, including but not limited to: grid connection, age (installation & mental), ambient temp, connectors, lengths, tails, other load, choice of load, breaker types etc etc

One size does not fit all.

That said I was surprised to learn the GF was only 2000w. So technically you could risk it. I personally would'nt.