I used to sell Fyne Ales Avalanche (Light, hoppy, creamy, 5% gorgeousness) in a cask. After a number of years wasting beer when it off. I went over to a cask RLBS CO2 breather as the lifespan was massively extended. Minimal waste, good for the environment and us - That is the most important thing for a sensible small business. CAMRA have even recognised the system as well.
It is a tech development that improves the beer. It was still cask beer, or is to be despised by the 'real ale Luddites' who originally smashed up the threshing machine refusing to accept a thing called technological progress,,,,,,,,,
I sold Fyne Ales Yarl (in a 30L keg) this year. It's my back-up when I sell out of my brews. It lasts 6 months and tastes brilliant!!!! would I go back to cask? fek no!!!!!
I love my keg brews and my brilliant brewing system, pressure fermenting with mutated lager yeast and liquid hop extracts. I welcome all improvements if it is cost effective.
Anyone who wants the 'real ale' effect

can blow through a straw in their beer to get the traditional effect. I'll even supply the compostable straw FOC,,,