Complete beginner, ready to screw up!

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New Member
Mar 9, 2015
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Hello all!

I'm sure that I'm text book new member material here.

I love my ale. Drinking a couple of pints a night easily, and more concerned about the dent in my bank account than the consumption :drunk:

I've done my trip to Wilkos :thumb: Got a fermenting bucket, pressure barrel, gadgets and gizmos and a Woodfordes Wherry mix.

Started off cleaning the fermenting bucket with hot water and soap. Then used the sterilising kit that Wilkos sell, with my big ol' spoon of stir in there too. I made sure to properly swirl that bucket, turn it upside down and swirl some more. The whole thing was covered in the solution and left for 10 minutes.

While that was sitting, I poured boiling water (on their side, in hind sight standing up may have been better as there would have been less syrup to clean off the lid!).

At this point I realised I didn't have a glass off anything in hand, so I cracked open an Old Peculiar :drink:

I rinsed my bucket out with cold water, including lid and spoon. I made sure that they touched nothing that could contaminate them.

Cracked open the tins, poured them in the bucket, added the 6 pints (all measured in a sterilised measuring jug) while using the boiling water to clean the tins out too. More swigs of the Old P.

Lots of stirring, adding more cold water (this is all from the tap by the way).

Once it was all thoroughly mixed and stirred, I sprinkled the yeast on top. I didn't have a thermometer on hand to make sure the temperature was ideal, but the old method of feeling the side of the bucket told me the temperature was exactly 22.3 Celsius (ish).

The lid is on, it's being stored in a warm place, and I've run out of ale in the house. Need to go shopping today.

I did taking a gravity reading, because I forgot to sterilise the that :(

All in all, feeling pretty excited! I'm prepared for it to all go wrong, and learn from my mistakes. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst, right?

So now the first part of the wait is on. 4-6 days, wait until I see nothing happening.

Enjoying it so far :) Looking forward to seeing what happens next. I'll give it 4-6 days, but it may be 7 days looking at when I'm next going to be free :(

Can't wait to post some updates :) Good or bad!
welcome m8

just a couple of little things

firstly do not use any sort of soapy things for cleaning bubble kill head try using oxi the washing powder type stuff

secondly take no notice of the times on the instructions most kits take up to 2 weeks to ferment

lastly enjoy it and read as much as you can on the forum and dont forget the only stupid question is a question not asked
Cheers guys :D

I watched a few videos on Youtube before I started, which of course makes me PhD level qualified ;)

Good advise on the bubbles. Will remember that. I did wash it thoroughly with water afterwards, but this is obviously at microscopic levels which I can't see! I put it down to being short sighted :(

I had been putting off starting the brew for a few months, worried about making mistakes. I figured it was best to just get started, and if I make mistakes then to learn from them.

In my other hobbies - I've always found that hands on experience beats weeks of reading :) Read a bit, try it, make mistakes, then read and realise what everyone was talking about :D
i used to work for my uncle he told me i can make any mistake i want no matter how much it costs him ONCE do it twice and im dead and he was a big lad i never done it twice

also never use anything to clean that might scratch anything scratches are loved by nasties

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