First Kegging

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Active Member
Jan 12, 2011
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So, just got through my first primary fermentation. I'm brewing Cooper's Mexican Cerveca. I've had a gravity of 1009 for 3 days and the beer appeared to be clear enough.

What I did was to weigh out 180g of white granulated sugar to the kegon the basis that you add 8g per litre - there was about 22.5 litre in the vessell which I siphoned to the barrell. However, there was about 0.5 litre Beer wasted so I think I may have added a few grammes too much suger - will this matter?

Just wanted to check I'd got this right since its my first go?

Sorry to hijack, but I have a very similar question - I am hoping to keg my first brew of Cooper's English bitter this evening, and was going to rounhd the 8g per litre up to 200g of dark brown sugar.

Does that sound OK?

hi ceejam, i'm not really qualified to answer, but i did do a bit of research, the different sugars will affect flavour and the advice for the first few brews seemed to be to stick to white until you've got a bit of practice in....however brown may suit your brew, i'm sure others will chime in here

also, if you add too much you can over-carbonate, however i do wonder how much is too much

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