Help with re-using spent grains for a second brew

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Jul 11, 2013
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hi all,
theres a lot of talk about second use of grains, and PM's from yous...but my nappa is cloudy as usual.
it all come into my shell yesterday whilst I done a stepped mash.
and the results were great...
the sugars were well used by the temp stages (alpha n beta thingys lol)
hope your following so far?:doh:
but I thought mow much grains I use with a 60 min mash @65c n 10 mins mash out @ 10 mins might be saved for a next batch.
obviously the % ABV is going to be less...I think:whistle:
so...without waffling and assuming I know thing, best to get advise from yous..:thumb:
i'm taking a 23l recipe with a 6.05kg grain bill..does this help?
please be gentle with me....n my tiny brain haha! :lol::lol:
any help would awesome tbh!
I did an 8% stout some time ago and did another brew from the grains which came out around 3. something or other.Stout was very good the lighter brew was, well just beer.Wouldn't personally bother again. I do know one of the guys who did frequent these pages-cheapbrew. He used to do it quite a lot and always reckoned on getting a good beer from it!
Horses for courses i guess!
I did an 8% stout some time ago and did another brew from the grains which came out around 3. something or other.Stout was very good the lighter brew was, well just beer.Wouldn't personally bother again. I do know one of the guys who did frequent these pages-cheapbrew. He used to do it quite a lot and always reckoned on getting a good beer from it!
Horses for courses i guess!

thx bud!
I tidied out my PM's ages ago! so cheapbrew is the bloke!!!
mind of what you saying...could it be useful for me????
let alone at least 4 hrs brewing..n my old bones n brain getting tired!!!
only way is try least ive got my notes and said ive done it..:doh:
thx pal
thx bud!
I tidied out my PM's ages ago! so cheapbrew is the bloke!!!
mind of what you saying...could it be useful for me????
let alone at least 4 hrs brewing..n my old bones n brain getting tired!!!
only way is try least ive got my notes and said ive done it..:doh:
thx pal
don't see him on here these days. I used to communicate with hime every now and then and it was him who really got me to try it out!.
a few of the home brewers here in Canada do this but they add a percentage of fresh grain to it to up the alcohol content and change its flavour, e.g. they make a 8% IPA then add a little more base malt, dark grains and crystal malt to turn the second batch into a porter style beer etc.

Some of them have been excellent.
Is this the same idea as a small beer? theres something on it in John Wrights River cottage booze book and...

Think its probably more something that was done to make the most out of ingredients historically, bit like saving the dripping from a roast.

No problem with doing it but just expect a weaker, paler beer which I guess would be less... interesting?!
Thx guys so much.
Yeahh been thinking long and hard for some time....(must laugh at the word ‘thinking’ haha!)
Think I might try it just tick off ‘things to try!’ Maybe a small batch adding extra grains and do a porter!!
Loved making porters.
Is this the same idea as a small beer? theres something on it in John Wrights River cottage booze book and...

Think its probably more something that was done to make the most out of ingredients historically, bit like saving the dripping from a roast.

No problem with doing it but just expect a weaker, paler beer which I guess would be less... interesting?!

Ahh..... bread and dripping :thumb:
Check out this article on partigyle brewing, apparently it is a rather old technique and something I have looked into myself but not yet tried.


Randy Mosher in Radical Brewing also discusses this technique and adding fresh grains to the second mash, apparently amber and crystal malts work well for this.
Check out this article on partigyle brewing, apparently it is a rather old technique and something I have looked into myself but not yet tried.


Randy Mosher in Radical Brewing also discusses this technique and adding fresh grains to the second mash, apparently amber and crystal malts work well for this.

Thx Jon,
Parygyl thingy is where I read it from dooo!
Mind the more I read again..the more I might just try it lol
Thx again
I did a parti-gyle using the Grainfather back in February to make a 10L Barley wine (for Xmas) and a 25L Cascade Pale Ale.

Total Grain Bill was 6.5kg Maris Otter and 660g Crystal malt.

Did the BW by removing 12L of wort after the first 60m mash (NO MASH OUT)- just pumping it out into a large 15L pot using the recirculating arm. Then this was boiled on the stove with a Bittering hop and some Goldings. I then played around with it using BIAB equipment and fermented in my 15L fermenter. Got about 18 x 500ml bottles - still got about 9 left for the festive season. Good experiment, fun planning, executing and drinking.

Did the second mash by just adding more water @ 65C - around the same 12L removed and re-mashed in the GF, after giving the grains a good stir, for around 30 mins. I may have done the first mash at 63C and the second at 65C. It sounds like the sort of thing I would have done!

Sparged as usual for a full length brew (obviously no sparging for the BW wort).

My intention had always been to add a Coopers lager kit to the second brew, a pale ale with Cascade, so I just added my Cascade hops at 60/15/5/0mins as 17/20/20/43g at each stage boiling in the GF. Kit was added to the cooled wort in the FV.

Added sugar to both beers - 400g to the BW and 200g to the Cascade IPA.

The Cascade ale got drunk ages ago as it was brilliant and being hoppy, needed to be drunk fairly early.

I would and probably will do the same again some time, especially if I ever get cheap malt extract again! (I think the Coopers kit was from the last Tesco sell-off at about £6).

For the record, my 18 bottles of BW weighed in at about 9.5% ABV and the Cascade IPA "session" beer at just over 6%. Obviously, omitting the beer kit would have made it more like 4%, but it was not a day for restraint.

Lot of messing about that day and you may be best advised to do it with a buddy. But, as you say, one to "tick off the list" for sure.

Just give me a PM if you want more details.
I did a parti-gyle using the Grainfather back in February to make a 10L Barley wine (for Xmas) and a 25L Cascade Pale Ale.

Total Grain Bill was 6.5kg Maris Otter and 660g Crystal malt.

Did the BW by removing 12L of wort after the first 60m mash (NO MASH OUT)- just pumping it out into a large 15L pot using the recirculating arm. Then this was boiled on the stove with a Bittering hop and some Goldings. I then played around with it using BIAB equipment and fermented in my 15L fermenter. Got about 18 x 500ml bottles - still got about 9 left for the festive season. Good experiment, fun planning, executing and drinking.

Did the second mash by just adding more water @ 65C - around the same 12L removed and re-mashed in the GF, after giving the grains a good stir, for around 30 mins. I may have done the first mash at 63C and the second at 65C. It sounds like the sort of thing I would have done!

Sparged as usual for a full length brew (obviously no sparging for the BW wort).

My intention had always been to add a Coopers lager kit to the second brew, a pale ale with Cascade, so I just added my Cascade hops at 60/15/5/0mins as 17/20/20/43g at each stage boiling in the GF. Kit was added to the cooled wort in the FV.

Added sugar to both beers - 400g to the BW and 200g to the Cascade IPA.

The Cascade ale got drunk ages ago as it was brilliant and being hoppy, needed to be drunk fairly early.

I would and probably will do the same again some time, especially if I ever get cheap malt extract again! (I think the Coopers kit was from the last Tesco sell-off at about £6).

For the record, my 18 bottles of BW weighed in at about 9.5% ABV and the Cascade IPA "session" beer at just over 6%. Obviously, omitting the beer kit would have made it more like 4%, but it was not a day for restraint.

Lot of messing about that day and you may be best advised to do it with a buddy. But, as you say, one to "tick off the list" for sure.

Just give me a PM if you want more details.

Thx for this interesting pal.
In the light of day, thinking on anyone minds could too much fanny’in on for me and my brain retention waver?
But like you said ‘tick on the box’ and least my tiny brain is still venturing into all HB’ing processes etc.
As there so much to learn and try its keeps me motivated and focus!
Only thing is how I can get through all these bottles!! Let alone a corni keg!!
Maybe too much fanny’in on be a step too far!
But you know me!!! Never turn down a challlenge!!
Thx for this interesting pal.
In the light of day, thinking on anyone minds could too much fanny’in on for me and my brain retention waver?
But like you said ‘tick on the box’ and least my tiny brain is still venturing into all HB’ing processes etc.
As there so much to learn and try its keeps me motivated and focus!
Only thing is how I can get through all these bottles!! Let alone a corni keg!!
Maybe too much fanny’in on be a step too far!
But you know me!!! Never turn down a challlenge!!

There are no processes involved that you will be unfamiliar with, it is just the length of the day and the amount of "lifting and shifting" involved that mean you are perhaps best advised to have some committed assistance on hand from, say, the end of the first mash in the GF?
There are no processes involved that you will be unfamiliar with, it is just the length of the day and the amount of "lifting and shifting" involved that mean you are perhaps best advised to have some committed assistance on hand from, say, the end of the first mash in the GF?

Tbh I could get some free pair of hand that both work! Unlike mine lol.
A week away for a break...seems like a year!! 232 mikes each way and my head apart from tying to concentrate that is!! Getting my tiny brain back into the man cave...
That’s where I’m going now!!!
No rest for the whicked!! Bloody love it!!!
Lata my m8