HERMS-RIMS kitchen setup not static help

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Jul 11, 2013
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Hello guys,
I've been looking up to get either HERMS or RIMS set up in my kitchen.
I have had a fantastic response from Mark at homebrewbuilder.co.uk as suggested by our Fil who will sort out either setup to my requirements come Jan 14.
Now apart from choosing which system is best for me here is the main concerns that factor big time:
I only have the kitchen to do my brew days, so therefore all kit must be mobile from storeage.

I will be doing electric elements not gas.
Due to the only water sauce for pipes is the outside tap I haven't a clue about pipes fittings etc...i.e. One hose pipe in and having to feed multiple appliances.
The sink is not fitted to allow hose pipe fittings unless someone knows what attachments can go on?

Then there's the water filtering, pumping and temp control and anything else you experts can think of I will need.
It's a shame that I don't have anywhere static so I can have everything bolted etc to a decent frame.

Does anyone have totally mobile systems and pics and advice for me, tips and tricks of the trade etc.
This will now be my WIP instead of boring you all with other threads.

I look forward to getting help and asking you guys some really easy questions :rofl:
As I mentioned from all the info/advice I can get I will then pass to Mark for my system.
I want the best I can get without overkill and not being justifiable, it's not about saving money it's about quality and it lasting a lifetime.
My batches as I delve into AG will be no bigger than 50l but typically will be about the standard 23l Mark.
Fermenting will be done in the normal plastic brew bins for now and then bottled.
Anyways I will stop woffling and get my head back into researching....
shame u dont want cheap n cheerful my tried n tested placky kit is still up for sale and i would throw in my herms coil experiment too.. ;)

if you can sit a pot on the cooker you have plenty of room if not perhaps use a single pot as a hlt and boiler, you just decant from the tun into a fv or 2 while sparging :)

i would forget the rims or herms till you find you have a desire to brew a beer that requires a stepped mash, by which time you will have brewed enough to have a good idea which system would suit you best.

so starting of with something like a 70l french pot as a boiler/hlt and a 40 or 50l thermopot tun and a couple of 4" neck fermentors for moving the liquor between vessels might be a plan?

if you use a hop spider you wont even need to fit a filter to the hlt/boiler :)
i do like my hop spider me ;)

for the water supply, with a large 8l+ sauspan and a 2l jug filling the hlt will take a few mins, while a hose can leak and spray everywhere when your distracted and could be the easiest way to get banished to the patio for life, the 2nd being a boil over or spill so have a bucked under every tap..(everyone fills the hlt with the tap open sooner or later)

**Edit the boil will create a lot of steam, might be best to boil outside anyway?
Fil said:
shame u dont want cheap n cheerful my tried n tested placky kit is still up for sale and i would throw in my herms coil experiment too.. ;)

if you can sit a pot on the cooker you have plenty of room if not perhaps use a single pot as a hlt and boiler, you just decant from the tun into a fv or 2 while sparging :)

i would forget the rims or herms till you find you have a desire to brew a beer that requires a stepped mash, by which time you will have brewed enough to have a good idea which system would suit you best.

so starting of with something like a 70l french pot as a boiler/hlt and a 40 or 50l thermopot tun and a couple of 4" neck fermentors for moving the liquor between vessels might be a plan?

if you use a hop spider you wont even need to fit a filter to the hlt/boiler :)
i do like my hop spider me ;)

for the water supply, with a large 8l+ sauspan and a 2l jug filling the hlt will take a few mins, while a hose can leak and spray everywhere when your distracted and could be the easiest way to get banished to the patio for life, the 2nd being a boil over or spill so have a bucked under every tap..(everyone fills the hlt with the tap open sooner or later)

**Edit the boil will create a lot of steam, might be best to boil outside anyway?

interested PM inbound pal
Thx very much.
Very simple..just like me :D
Looks like yous have come to the rescue.
Gives me no end of possibilities.
Now I'm going to be looking at my setup from Fil and then seeing if such things as 3 way valves can be used for each operations, tap to HLT-mash tun etc.
But with it being mobile I suppose a single hose can be long enough for each one.
What about household water filter?
A lot to get my head around but I'll get there! Can't wait to get my kit and then play time.
Have a great Sunday.
In terms of filtering, I don't think I can help. I've always just used what comes out of my tap and then added whatever treatments are required for the style I'm after. For portability I'd be tempted to mount it on a steel caterers trolley, that way you can just wheel the whole lot through the house without any heavy lifting.
i brew in me kitchen the only kitchen improvement i needed was an extractor fan
me fist brew ended with about 4 litres of re condensed wort steam on me ceiling
and about 2 hours of mopping the ceiling
wondered what that was on me head dripping when i was boiling :doh:
nobyipa said:
i brew in me kitchen the only kitchen improvement i needed was an extractor fan
me fist brew ended with about 4 litres of re condensed wort steam on me ceiling
and about 2 hours of mopping the ceiling
wondered what that was on me head dripping when i was boiling :doh:

Blumming eck :shock:
That's a top idea...I can see why a lot brew outside.
I have a hood on my cooker but can't see where the outlet is :(
KOzric said:
In terms of filtering, I don't think I can help. I've always just used what comes out of my tap and then added whatever treatments are required for the style I'm after. For portability I'd be tempted to mount it on a steel caterers trolley, that way you can just wheel the whole lot through the house without any heavy lifting.

Hello mate what treatments do you suggest? As that could be my easier option til I can sort out a caterers trolley type setup :D

Now sitting having breakfast at a services all exited!
Been up since half 4, going over to Fil's place to view his AG brew set up.
Red bull has never been so tasty lol.
Full run down due lata today :-)
Have a good day......Brewing is fun...go with the flow........
piddledribble said:
Have a good day......Brewing is fun...go with the flow........
me n Fil spent about 4 hrs and had a mint time...I was like a little kid at Xmas lol.
was quite surprised that Fil didn't need an interpretor to translate my geordie :lol:
As Fil will tell you there was a few things I wasn't getting...as he said I just haven't tried it yet!
that is getting the Volumes of water to the mash tun & for batch sparging.
I am going to play with the kit and work out deadsapce etc.
Got a Novel off Fil this morning on brew day...so I am over the moon.
A great bloke and enjoyed myself gobsmacked with his brewmaking toys :D
piddledribble said:
glad you had a good day.....easy innit..... :tongue:

just nearly choked on my coffee reading your reply ha ha
with not having hands on yet and not knowing the kit Fil has armed me with a run down.
trying to imagine me doing each step is where I am now, and I have just sent a few PM's to his ref the Malt Miller Recipe for the clone SNPA I have the ingredients for.
Getting to grips with this batch Sparging will need a lil more research :lol:
but it is slowly sinking in, better than it was at half 4 this morning when I woke up and straight away my head was full of going through each step of the mash...SAD life I have eh :)
It wont be til next week before I can play with my AG kit, doing that taking the other half to the Derbyshire Peaks thing and Remembrance Sunday.
got a text off my m8 next door and I have had a lot of parcels arrive, so hoping my Cornies have tipped up :thumb:
Catchya soon m8
look into batch sparging if your struggling to understand fly sparging, then its just a case of adding water, giving a good stir leave for 30 mins and drain, keep doing that until you got your volume required.
piddledribble said:
look into batch sparging if your struggling to understand fly sparging, then its just a case of adding water, giving a good stir leave for 30 mins and drain, keep doing that until you got your volume required.

Thanks M8,
its making sence now pal.
final Volume of 23L plus extra for evaporation during boil and absorbions etc.
It says looking at around 27L on the recipe, I was thinking 30-32L from 2 x batch sparges of 15-16L each, does this sound wrong, or am I confusing myself?? lol
its about right....do the first batch with that amount then see what you drain out of it ( after the grains have absorbed their amount. see what you then need to reach your target amount. I always do a few litres less on the 2nd batch, so I've got a few litres left to wash the grains with finally.
piddledribble said:
its about right....do the first batch with that amount then see what you drain out of it ( after the grains have absorbed their amount. see what you then need to reach your target amount. I always do a few litres less on the 2nd batch, so I've got a few litres left to wash the grains with finally.

Thanks buddy,
with the mash tun being 32L was thinking fill to a few CM's below the lip and leave for 60mins then as you said see what I get out of that with regards to Batch Sparging 1&2 taking into consideration what you said for a little less on No.2.
Already will have my 23L target volume measuring rod marked, then take into account boil evaporation etc. then monitor throughout the boil the volume & time with the hops absorbtion etc.
making sence, but knowing me i'll flap like hell lol.
gonna look at Beersmith etc and double check everything, as I haven't inputted the kits info into it as yet.
mind you getting my tiny Geordie Nappa around Beersmith2 wasn't or still isn't an easy feat :rofl:
Thanks for making it all sound right....we shal see lol
brewmate is easier to understand. its lightweight and free.
Your brewing softwear will tell you how much to use as strike water at the mash temp for the amount of grains you will be using....Use that as your first amount, drain that off and then split the rest into 2 batches.