John Bull Country Cider

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Active Member
Jun 30, 2012
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I have just received this kit an intended to start the brew this afternoon, but the istruction were missing, help!!!
Others may know what the kit contains, but in case they don't, could you let us know what's in it? Pictures would be great, but just a description will do.
Okay, how many pints/litres is it supposed to make?

Do you have a hydrometer?

The method is most likely to be:

Stand can of concentrate in hot water for 10 minutes, to increase its viscosity, then put into a fermenting vessel. Add cooled boiled water to about 2/3 of the total intended volume, allow to cool to room temperature, pitch yeast and fit airlock.

Give it a couple of days until the froth head dies down a bit and then top up to final volume.

Leave it in a warmish place until bubbles stop coming through the airlock.
Thanks again, I feel more confident in going ahead with it. I am going with 20litres, as it says on the can to go for either 18 or 23 depending on the strength you want. I will post with the results.
Bottled the brew tonight, everything smelled ok, but when I tried a taste it tasted slightly vinegary. Is this normal?
I added sugar to the bottles for secondiary fermentation, will this help?
Its not the best kit out there but I liked it well enough as a 1st brew. IIRC it started off a bit acidic but it did improve a lot over time, I kept a bottle back and tried it after a year and it was a very pleasant dry cider. I have also brewed turbo cider which is significantly better than this kit and made from supermarket bought apple juice cartons (the value stuff), I'd recommend trying that and comparing the 2.
iaindm said:
Any others got vinegary results??

Hey, i've done the John Bull cider kit and its all bottled up now, been sitting for about a week..
(It was my first kit) It had a slightly vinegary tang to it when i first bottled it and had a taste,
but i shared a bottle with my friend on the weekend to see how things were going and it tasted fine, as you would expect cider to taste...
Leaving it a while longer just to make sure i get the most out of it but im fairly happy with the results so far...

Going to try a Turbo Cider brew next i think, just ordered some more stuff to get me going, should be fun :)

Hope this reassured you a bit!
Hi there - Yes, I make JB Country cider regularly. in the last year or so I've adopted the tactic of using Weston Old Rosie Cider recovered yeast rather than the yeast that comes with the kit. HERE is the link for a "how to" recover WOR yeast. I believe it improves the cider no end. You can also add some of the Lowicz Polish syrups (from Tesco) to give you strawberry or Raspberry flavoured cider which are also excellent. I use about 300ml per gallon.

Never had any problems with vinegar tasting, I'd reserve judgment until it has matured.

Apart from that I'd follow hypnoticmonkey's instructions, they are perfect.

Good luck with your efforts.
This cider is definitely benefitting from longer storage, it is now and hopefully will continue to be a pleasant dry cider.

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