Lager yeast fermenting question

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Active Member
Jun 7, 2014
Reaction score
Hi , just a passing thought whilst sat here on the rank in my galley slave ship.

Would it be possible to ferment my lagers in the fridge at the maximum setting of 6c.

I think that referes to the ambient maximum temperature so allowing for the fact that an actve fermentation creates heat that may raise the temperature of the wort to about 9 or 10c.
Will the lager yeasts function at these temperatures and if so which dry safale yeast is best for these lower end temperatures.

If this would work it would mean I have no need at this time to acquire a controlled brew fridge.

Thank you

Quick update for the brewers on here.

Just got home and decided to check the actual temperature of a pale golden lager that has been sat sitting in the fridge at 2c for 5 days.

The temperature of the actual lager reads 10c

I would therefore hazard a guess that if the ambient fridge temperature was increased to the full 6c then going off the readings above the wort temperature would be at least 13c without factoring in any active fermentation temperature increases.

So is this enough to use the fridge in its current settings for a lager yeast to fully ferment out or am I just platting fog !

This must have been tried by lots of board members ?

Thanks again chaps
Proper helpful.


ps ... In order not to waste said pale golden lager I tasted it.
Good carbonation nice lacing and carried a head all the way down.
And no discernible off tastes now after me chilling its nuts off int fridge
Tastes like a run of the mill fosters.
No hoppy smell at all even though I added 12g of sazz to secondary
Batches from now on will carry a dry hop in secondary with a minimum of 33g to attempt to gain some aroma.
That way I will get 3 helpings per 100g pack.
Watch the pennies and the pounds will look after themselves eh.

Speaking of penny saving ideas I just bough a bargain 2 crates of becks.
Forty eight bottles of 330ml in lovely pet bottles for only £12 a crate.
Slightly out of date that's all !
I guess that makes the becks free if you knock off the retail cost of the pet bottles from the home brew shops
Happy days to that
Back of to work now so adios and thanks again

Hi , just a passing thought whilst sat here on the rank in my galley slave ship.

Would it be possible to ferment my lagers in the fridge at the maximum setting of 6c.

I think that referes to the ambient maximum temperature so allowing for the fact that an actve fermentation creates heat that may raise the temperature of the wort to about 9 or 10c.
Will the lager yeasts function at these temperatures and if so which dry safale yeast is best for these lower end temperatures.

If this would work it would mean I have no need at this time to acquire a controlled brew fridge.

Thank you
