Naming your brewery/winery etc?

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Mine is called Währinger Bräu simply because the name of my district is Währing. I suppose I would change the name if I moved, but I'd keep the established on date.

MadrikXIV said:
My wine labels are labelled as 'Fat Cat' as I have a fat cat getting in the way most of the time, then with a 'suitable' name for whatevers in it

Beer is generally kegged so nothing fancy there other than a post it note stuck to said keg :D

Not sure I'd like to try Teabagger!

MadrikXIV said:
My wine labels are labelled as 'Fat Cat' as I have a fat cat getting in the way most of the time, then with a 'suitable' name for whatevers in it

Beer is generally kegged so nothing fancy there other than a post it note stuck to said keg :D

Product of Semilong??!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

dennisdk2000 said:
MadrikXIV said:
My wine labels are labelled as 'Fat Cat' as I have a fat cat getting in the way most of the time, then with a 'suitable' name for whatevers in it

Beer is generally kegged so nothing fancy there other than a post it note stuck to said keg :D

Product of Semilong??!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


There's a village about 10-15 miles from Semilong called Souldrop.
Mines named 'demon valley brewing' and other than being a pretty cool name it actually has a real place in history! A monk called Lucian named the area of Chester I live in 'the valley of demons' so when I stumbled across that courtesy of google I snapped it up!

I'm a bit of a music fan so all my beers names are influenced by music (see sig for the evidence). I therefore had to choose a name for the brewery that also reflects this other obsession. I went for The Little Red Brooster, a song written by Willie Dixon (without the B of course), performed by Howlin' Wolf and famously covered by the Rolling Stones. We have chickens and the pun on rooster with a B makes the brew part, I had to avoid the Brewster spelling for obvious reasons. The logo is a big Cock playing music, but there unfortunately the allusions begin to diverge. Nah only kidding :whistle:
Mines the Spanner in the Works Brewing Co.

The name came along one blurry night when we decided it was a good idea to repair my motorbike after a couple of pints. :drunk:

Needless to say, copious quantities of beer and accurate setting up of timing chains don't mix. :doh:

We decided upon the name after hitting the start button..and a piston hit the valves! :wha:

Obviously it could not have been our mistake..must have been a Spanner in the Works :clap:
Been thinking about this myself, was thinking something with where I'm from or where I live. But not sure yet maybe it's to early to even think about this
Ive got two beagles so named mine Two Hound Brewery, not so much a brewery but more a cupboard under the stairs
All of my brewing, fermenting and bottling is performed in my Office (what used to be the little bedroom in the days of kids) at home. I am a Radio Engineer based from home and employed by the Home Office. Therefore Home Office Brewery was an obvious choice. :thumb:
Mine is GayleyBaby Brewery/Boozery/Meadery depending on what I've made! My mum got worried when I put that on the labels though, she was worried I'd get arrested :lol:
As the nickname "The Dancing Brewer" has now become a misnomer, I thought it t was time to change it. And as "The Previously Dancing Brewer" is a decidedly **** name, it's a good job that I've finally come up with a name. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you

The Three Bears Brewery

Why? Well, it's a long story and will have to wait until some other time.

If I'm pleased with the brew, I label it with "Bacchus-Naur". If it's a bit suspect, I label it "Double-dodgy".

"Backus-Naur" is something to do with what I do for a living; and "Bacchus" is the roman god of wine (he does beer at weekends for fun, and had a side line in ritual ecstacy :whistle: ), so I put the two together.

Labels are spartan, and bear a striking resemblance to Rekoderlig cider, but not as colourful or stylish.
I thought I had replied to this ages ago but obviously not....

The House of Badger came about when my first wine kit was brewing (Beaverdale Shiraz). My girlfriend walked into the house and announced "it smells like a badger's **** in here". I'm not sure how she knows what a badger's **** smells like but the name kind of stuck. The wine itself is known as Badger's ****, and the winery is therefore the House of Badger. The range has increased significantly since then, but the name has always persisted.

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