Planning a brew day

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Active Member
Dec 1, 2009
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Hey all it's been a while since I have been on here, but I'm planning a brew day, think it's my first for this year. Well plan is for next sat to get a few brews going, I'm planning on doing a Classic Liquors Irish Cream 1 gallon kit, Youngs Elderflower 1 gallon kit and the one I'm really looking forward to is 5 gallons of strawberry wine.

After doing a Youngs strawberry wine 1 gallon kit last year, and seeing as how much I and my lovely lady enjoyed it, it was decided to go for 5 gallons this time round, but making it from scratch. I'm a little nervous as I have only done kits before, but never the less I'm following a recipie from a well known red book by C.J.J Berry, substituting fresh strawberries for the tin version as I hear I will get a better tasting wine. So after going shopping today I now have 20 tins of strawberries in a light syrup. Just need to make a quick stop to the local brewing centre to pick up a few other needed ingrediants and I will be set.

I will get some pictures up of the ingedients on wednesday once I have been to the brewing shop.

I'm sure all will be fine and am looking forward to your pics.
Just to clear a point, do you now have 20 tins of strawberries surplus to requirements?
hey mm!
Good luck with the brews, that strawberry wine sounds fantastic, never thought of using tinned fruit, great idea!
Got hold of the wrong end of the stick yet again.
You're using tinned strawberries instead of fresh ones!
ericstd said:
Got hold of the wrong end of the stick yet again.
You're using tinned strawberries instead of fresh ones!

Yup tinned all the way, your ment to get better sweeter fruit that way
You bought an Elderflower kit, just as Elder's started flowering? :whistle:

Still I guess I probably spent more on my elderflowers, since I drove down to Gloucester this weekend and harvested my first batch :rofl:

Strawberry is nice wine but I've not had much luck getting it to keep the strawberry flavour. What recipe are you using?
nah the elderflower kit i bought last year and not got round to brewing yet. as for the strawberry wine, im following a C.j.j Berry recipe, but i have just seen the other thread on strawberry wine. Lol still gonna go ahead and see what happens.

keeps us posted on your fresh elderflower wine,

well i have just got up, no im not lazy i work nights lol

having a cuppa and smoke then onto sorting the kitchen out reading for brewing this afternoon. I am so looking forward to this

will get pics up before i goto work tonight

right all, everything is done apart from pitching the yeast just waiting for everything to cool to a suitable level, dont want to kill the little wonder bugs.

will prob end up pitching yeast tomorrow as i got to go work tonight.

Pictures to follow i promise.

p.s the strawberry mash smells so good.


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