Poor extraction advice

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Lawrence R

Active Member
Oct 3, 2020
Reaction score
ive been home brewing “seriously “ for about three years and generally everything is drinkable and becoming occasionally very good. But I don’t think I’ve ever hit the recipe‘s OG. I brew whole grain in a single infusion in a very well insulated mash tun. I’ve double checked the temperature accuracy of the HLT and am meticulous with strike and sparge temperatures. I have to heavily dose our local water with CRS as the local RA is astronomical and I’ve checked the mash pH which is spot on, I use Palmers recommended mash water volumes. I continuously sparge very slowly over 60-90 mins. I buy my grain from a variety of dealers so i don't think I’ve one dealer with too coarse a crush. I have the same experience with ales, stouts and today, a pilsner.
Am I missing something or is this a common experience? Recirculating is not something I do much of except to clear the first runnings. Would that make a big difference? The beer is fine (the last ne ipa was a triumph if I say so myself) but this is bugging me.
What % efficiency are you getting? Is it consistant? Swapping suppliers could give you variances. Have you worked out your system losses?
Thanks for coming back. Have used Brewers friend calculator to calculate some efficiencies. The last two NE IPAS I made had post boil efficiencies of 82.43% and 83.47% so looking back not as bad as I thought. But I just tried a pilsner for the first time and post boil efficiency was 69%. Not so hot. I had to stop the lauter before I got the pre- boil volume I wanted, the sg on the runnings dropped to 1.007.
the recipe called for an extended mash at lower temperatures than I’ve used previously. 50 degrees C for 30 mins, then 66.2 for 90 minutes.
Unsure of what you mean about system losses. I know the volumes I’ll lose from dead spaces in my various vessels. I also know that the mash tun has astonishing insulating properties, it hardly loses a degree over an hour. Is that what you mean? Pardon the ignorance.