Ribena wine...bit of an oops! with the slide rule

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Active Member
Jan 16, 2011
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I started off some Ribena wine back in early February. It's still fizzing away - I'm getting a bubble very 10 seconds or so through the airlock - so today I decided to check on it.


For all it started off like something out of a sodastream, the hyrdometer is still showing 1.080....maybe time to recheck my calculations.

Hmmm....(again)....I think I might have neglected to take into account the fact that the sugar/250ml figure on the side of the bottle is for when it's diluted 1:4 with water, and I think I only diluted 1:3, or maybe even 1:2.5, based on something I'd read online. I might even have been so stupid as to have added a bit of sugar as well...

Re-doing the calculations, and not accounting for the fact that the yeast will be dead from alcohol poisoning before the end, I'm on target for a theoretical ABV of about 30%.

Ooops...I think I'll be splitting this one into 2 DJs and watering it down before it finishes.

Oh well...the experiment that fails is as important as the experiment that succeeds, and all that...
Do you have an OG reading, or can you tell me what went into this so I can run my own maths?
Thanks for rpelying Moley

No OG reading - if I'd taken one at the start then I would have realised how wildly out I was.

I used 2 litres of Ribena, which is about 25g of sugar per 250ml (when, and this is the important bit that I think I missed, diluted down 4:1) so I reckon that undiluted it's roughly 125g sugar per 250ml, so 500g per litre. That means I had 1 kilo of sugar in the Ribena...and I added another 450g of sugar myself.
MostlyHarmless said:
I'm on target for a theoretical ABV of about 30%.

I thought going over 20% was impossible without a distillery. Am I wrong?
That's why I said "theoretical maximum" - I'm expecting to end up with a gallon of an over-sweet brew of about 20% ABV, full completely sozzled yeast
Im thinking of doing this but I thought the chemicals in the ribena like pottasium sorbate and the other perservatives would damage the yeast. Has this been a problem at all?
No preservatives in Ribena to stop the yeast from working (although some other fruit juices do need to spend a bit of time in a pan on the cooker to get rid of the preservatives)
MostlyHarmless said:
No preservatives in Ribena to stop the yeast from working (although some other fruit juices do need to spend a bit of time in a pan on the cooker to get rid of the preservatives)

Excellent! I forgot about boling them off in the pan. I'll start 5 litres of it when I get my current stuff bottled.