White Wine

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Oct 27, 2009
Reaction score
I put together a 23 litre white wine brew using white grape juice and apple juice.
SG 1086 FG 994
I just let it ferment out.
Racked it and added finnings etc.
Had a smalll ( :mrgreen: ) sample last night.
Taste great but just a little on the sweet side for our taste.
( Daft ) Question......
How do I make the same wine but drier ???
Well I would class .994 as being on the dry side of medium-dry, if that makes sense :wha:

I don't really see what you could do differently, but would expect that to finish around .992

What yeast did you use?
Had a similar problem myself last time I made Apple and Grape Wine. I was thinking of using Champagne Yeast next time and/or maybe a little extra yeast nutrient. Do you think this will work Moley, and should I add some Citric Acid too?

Sorry Alibro, I really don't know, I've never used champagne yeast. I have made apple & grape ‘basic white’ though and with my GP yeast compound (mine is from Harris but Young's should work the same) I wouldn't expect it to stop before 0.992

I always add a little more nutrient, even though some is included in the GP yeast compound, and I've recently started adding a vitamin B1 tablet to all my brews. I wouldn't add more than half a tsp of citric to that combination.
With Easy white I use Young's super wine yeast compound. 1 teaspoon to the gallon.
Its easier for me to make 5gallons at a time so add 3teaspoons of citric acid and five nutrient.
Moley said:
Well I would class .994 as being on the dry side of medium-dry, if that makes sense :wha:

I don't really see what you could do differently, but would expect that to finish around .992

What yeast did you use?

I just used a GP Wine Yeast with nutrient and citric acid.
I presume that if I used a bit more of everything yeast & nutrient with the same yeast the wine would ferment longer and become drier ??
Might try using a different yeast.
Thanks everyone.....